Oleg D. Lavrentovich
Oleg D. Lavrentovich received his Ph.D. (1984) and Doctor of Science (1990) degrees in Physics and Mathematics from the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. In 1992 he joined the Liquid Crystal Institute as a Senior Research Fellow. He served as the director of institute in 2003-2011. Fellow of SPIE and American Physical Society. Lavrentovich held visiting appointments at the University P. et M. Curie, University Denis Diderot in France and other universities. He is the editor of Liquid Crystals Reviews (Taylor & Francis), associate editor of Soft Matter, member of the Editorial Boards of Liquid Crystals, Condensed Matter Physics, Ukrainian Journal of Physics and Advisor of the 麻豆视频最新最全 University SPIE Student Chapter.
Doctor of Sciences
Physics and Mathematics, Solid State Physics, Institute of Physics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 1984-1990
Physics and Mathematics, Solid State Physics, Institute of Physics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 1980-1984
Master and Bachelor of Sciences
Physics, Kiev State University, Ukraine, 1975-1980
Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities
M. Kleman, O.D. Lavrentovich, Soft Matter Physics: An Introduction, pp. 638, Springer New York, (2003).
O.D. Lavrentovich, P. Pasini, C. Zannoni, S. Zumer, Defects in Liquid Crystals: Computer Simulations, Theory and Experiment Kluwer Academic Publishers: The Netherlands (2001).
Publications in refereed journals
G. Cukrov, Y. Mosaddeghian Golestani, J. Xiang, Yu. A. Nastishin, Z. Ahmed, C. Welch, G. H. Mehl, and O.D. Lavrentovich*, Comparative analysis of anisotropic material properties of uniaxial nematics formed by flexible dimers and rod-like monomers, Invited article, Liquid Crystals 44, 219-231 (2017).
M.M. Genkin, A. Sokolov, O.D. Lavrentovich, I.S. Aranson, Topological defects in a living nematic ensnare swimming bacteria, Physical Review X 7, 011029 (2017) DOI:10.1103/PhysRevX.7.011029
Chenhui Peng, Yubing Guo, Taras Turiv, Miao Jiang, Qihuo Wei, Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Patterning of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals by Photoalignment with Photonic Metamasks, Advanced Materials 1606112 (2017)
Yubing Guo, Miao Jiang, Chenhui Peng, Kai Sun, Oleg Yaroshchuk, Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Qihuo Wei, Designs of Plasmonic Metamasks for Photopatterning Molecular Orientations in Liquid Crystals, Crystals 7, 8 (2017) DOI: 10.3390/cryst7010008
M. Chapran, E. Angioni, N. J. Findlay, B. Breig, V. Cherpak, P. Stakhira, T. Tuttle, D. Volyniuk, J.V. Grazulevicius, Yu. A. Nastishin, O. D. Lavrentovich, and P. J. Skabara, Ambipolar BODIPY derivative for white exciplex OLED and cholesteric liquid crystal laser, ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces 9 (5) 4750鈥4757 (2017) DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b13689
O.M. Tovkach, C. Conklin, M.C. Calderer, D. Golovaty, O.D. Lavrentovich, J. Vi帽als, N.J. Walkington, Q-tensor model for electrokinetics in nematic liquid crytals, Physical Reviews Fluids (2017)
Yunfeng Li, Elisabeth Prince, Sangho Cho, Alinaghi Salari, Youssef Mosaddeghian Golestani, Oleg D. Lavrentovich and Eugenia Kumacheva, Periodic assembly of nanoparticles in disclinations of cholesteric liquid crystals, Proc. National Acad Sci. 114 (9) 2137-2142 (2017) DOI 10.1073/pnas.1615006114
Chenhui Peng, Taras Turiv, Rui Zhang, Yubing Guo, Sergij V. Shiyanovskii, Qi-Huo Wei, Juan de Pablo, and Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Controlling placement of nonspherical (boomerang) colloids in nematic cells with photopatterned director, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29, 014005 (2017) DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/29/1/014005
S. Zhou, S.V. Shiyanovskii, H.S. Park, O.D. Lavrentovich, Fine structure of the topological defect core: disclinations in lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal, Nature Communications Accepted (2017)
Sathyanarayana Paladugu, Christopher Conklin, Jorge Vi帽als, Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Nonlinear electrophoresis of colloids controlled by anisotropy of conductivity and permittivity of liquid crystal electrolyte, Phys. Rev. Applied 7, 034033 (2017)
Bing-Xiang Li, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Nanosecond switching of micrometer optical retardance by electrically controlled nematic liquid crystal cell, Optics Express 24(26), 29477-29482 (2016)
M.C. Calderer, D. Golovaty, O. Lavrentovich, and N.J. Walkington, Modeling of nematic electrolytes and nonlinear electroosmosis, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 76, No.6, 2260-2285 (2016)
X. Wang, E. Bukusoglu, D.S. Miller, M.A.B. Pantoja, J. Xiang, O.D. Lavrentovich, N.L. Abbott, Synthesis of optically complex, porous, and anisometric polymeric microparticles by templating from liquid crystalline droplets, Adv. Func. Mat. 26, 7343-7351 (2016)
Z. Parsouzi, Shokir A. Pardaev, C. Welch, Z. Ahmed, G. H. Mehl, A. R. Baldwin, J. T. Gleeson, O. D. Lavrentovich, D. W. Allender, J. V. Selinger, A. Jakli, and S. Sprunt, Light scattering study of the 鈥減seudo-layer鈥 compression elastic constant in a twist-bend nematic liquid crystal, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 31645-31652 (2016) DOI: 10.1039/C6CP06292J
J. Xiang, A. Varanytsia, F. Minkowski, D.A. Paterson, C.T. Imrie, Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Peter Palffy-Muhoray, Electrically tunable laser based on heliconical cholesteric liquid crystal, Proc. National Acad Sci. 113, No.46, 12925-12928 (2016) DOI 10.1073/pnas.1612212113
Chenhui Peng*, Taras Turiv*, Yubing Guo, Qi-Huo Wei, and Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Command of active matter by topological defects and patterns, Science 354, 882-885 (2016), DOI: 10.1126/science.aah6936
S. M. Salili, J. Xiang, H. Wang, Q. Li, D. A. Paterson, J. M. D. Storey, C. T. Imrie, O. D. Lavrentovich, S.N. Sprunt, J.T. Gleeson, A. Jakli, Magnetically tunable selective reflection of light by heliconical cholesterics, Phys. Rev. E 94, 042705 (2016) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRe vE.94.042705
Chenhui Peng, Taras Turiv, Yubing Guo, Sergij V. Shiyanovskii, Qi-Huo Wei, and Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Control of colloidal placement and assembly by modulated molecular orientation in nematic cells, Science Advances 2, no. 9, e1600932 (2016) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1600932
Yunfeng Li, Jeffrey Jun-yan Suen, Elisabeth Prince, Egor M. Larin, Anna Klinkova, H茅lo茂se Th茅rien-Aubin, Shoujun Zhu, Bai Yang, Amr S. Helmy, Oleg D. Lavrentovich and Eugenia Kumacheva, Colloidal Cholesteric Liquid Crystal in Spherical Confinement, Nature Communications 7, 12520 (2016) DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12520
D.A. Paterson, M. Gao, Y.-K. Kim, A. Jamali, K. Finley, B. Robles-Hernandez, S. Diez-Berart, J. Salud, M. Rosario de la Fuente, B.A. Timimi, H. Zimmermann, C. Greco, A. Ferrarini, J. M. D. Story, D.O. Lopez, O.D. Lavrentovich, G.R. Luckhurst, C.T. Imrie, Understanding the twist-bend nematic phase: the characterization of 1-(4-cyanobiphenyl-4鈥-yloxy)-6-(4-cyanobiphenyl-4鈥-yl)hexane (CB6OCB) and comparison with CB7CB, Soft Matter 12, 6827-6840 (2016) DOI: 10.1039/C6SM00537C
Y. Guo, S. Afghah, J. Xiang, O.D. Lavrentovich, R.B. Selinger, Q.H. Wei, Cholesteric liquid crystals in rectangular microchannels: Skyrmions and stripes, Soft Matter 12, 6312-6320 (2016) DOI: 10.1039/c6sm01190j
O. M. Tovkach, Dmitry Golovaty, M. Carme Calderer, O.D. Lavrentovich, N.J. Walkington, Electro-osmosis in nematic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 94, 012702 (2016) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.94.012702
Z. Parsouzi, S. M. Shamid, V. Borshch, P.K. Challa, A.R. Baldwin, M.G. Tamba, C. Welch, G.H. Mehl, J.T. Gleeson, A. Jakli, O.D. Lavrentovich, D.W. Allender, J.V. Selinger, S. Sprunt, Fluctuation modes of a twist-bend nematic liquid crystal, Phys Rev X 6, 021041 (2016).
Young-Ki Kim, Greta Cukrov, F. Vita, E. Scharrer, E.T. Samulski, O. Francescangeli, and Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Search for Microscopic and Macroscopic Biaxiality in the Cybotactic Nematic Phase of New Oxadiazole Bent-Core Mesoges, Phys Rev E 93, 062701 (2016).
Daniel A. Paterson, Jie Xiang, Rebecca Walker, Gautam Singh, Dena M. Agra-Kooijman, Alfonso Martinez-Felipe, Min Gao, John M.D. Storey, Satyendra Kumar, Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Corrie T. Imrie, Reversible isothermal twist-bend nematic-nematic phase transition driven by the photoisomerisation of an azobenzene-based nonsymmetric liquid crystal dimer, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 5283-5289 (2016), DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b13331
Y. Guo, M. Jiang, C. Peng, K. Sun, O. Yaroshchuk, O. Lavrentovich, Q.H. Wei, High-resolution and high-throughput plasmonic photopatterning of complex molecular orientations in liquid crystals, Adv. Mater. 28, 2353-2358 (2016) DOI: 10.1002/adma.201506002
Dae Seok Kim, Yun Jeong Cha, Mun Ho Kim, Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Dong Ki Yoon, Controlling Gaussian and mean curvatures at microscale by sublimation and condensation of smectic liquid crystals, Nature Communications 7, 10236 (2016) DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10236
O.D. Lavrentovich, Active Colloids in Liquid Crystals, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 21, 97-109 (2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.cocis.2015.11.008
Bing-Xiang Li, V. Borshch, S.V. Shiyanovskii, S.-B. Liu, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Kerr effect at high electric field in isotropic phase of mesogenic materials, Phys. Rev. E 92, 050501 (2015) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.92.050501
C. Peng, Y. Guo, C. Conklin, J. Vi帽als, S. V. Shiyanovskii, Q.-H. Wei, and O. D. Lavrentovich, Liquid Crystals with Photo-patterned Molecular Orientation as an Active Electrolytic Medium, Phys. Rev. E 92, 052502 (2015) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.92.052502
C. Peng and O.D. Lavrentovich, Chirality Amplification and Detection by Tactoids of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals, Soft Matter, 11, 7257-7263 (2015) DOI: 10.1039/c5sm01632k
C. Zhang, A.M. Grubb, A.J. Seed, P. Sampson, A. J谩kli, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Nanostructure of edge dislocations in a smectic C* liquid crystal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 087801 (2015) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.087801
L. Wang, K. Gutierrez-Cuevas, H.K. Bisoyi, J. Xiang, G. Singh, R.S. Zola, S. Kumar, O.D. Lavrentovich, A. Urbas, Quan Li, NIR Light-Directing Self-Organized 3D Photonic Superstructures Loaded with Anisotropic Plasmonic Hybrid Nanorods, Chem Commun. 51, 15039-15042 (2015). DOI: 10.1039/C5CC06146F
C. Xue, J. Xiang, H. Nemati, H.K. Bisoyi, K. Gutierrez-Cuevas, L. Wang, M. Gao, S. Zhou, D.K. Yang, O.D. Lavrentovich, A. Urbas, Quan Li, Light-driven reversible alignment switching of liquid crystals enabled by azo thiol grafted gold nanoparticles, ChemPhysChem 16, No.9, 1852-1856 (2015) DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201500194
J. Xiang, Y. Li, Q. Li, D.A. Patterson, J.M. Storey, C.T. Imrie, O.D. Lavrentovich, Electrically tunable selective reflection of light from ultraviolet to visible and infrared by heliconical cholesterics, Adv. Mat. 27, 3014-3018 (2015), DOI: 10/1002/adma.201500340
Y.K. Kim, G. Cukrov, J. Xiang, O.D. Lavrentovich, Domain Walls and Anchoring Transitions Mimicking Nematic Biaxiality in the Oxadiazole Bent-Core Liquid Crystal C7, Soft Matter 11, 3963-3970 (2015) DOI: 10.1039/C5SM00580A
O.D. Lavrentovich, Liquid crystal-enabled electrophoresis and electro-osmosis, Chapter 12 in Liquid Crystals with Nano and Microparticles, in 2 volumes, Series in Soft Condensed Matter, volume 1, pages 415-457, Edited by Jan P.F. Lagerwall and G. Scalia, World Scientific, New Jersey (2017), DOI: 10.1142/9789814619264_0012
O.D. Lavrentovich, Liquid Crystals, Chapter 3 in Oxford Handbook of Soft Condensed Matter, Edited by E.M. Terentjev and D.A. Weitz, Oxford University Press, 620 pages. (2015).
A. Sokolov, S. Zhou, Oleg D. Lavrentovich, I. S. Aranson, Individual behavior and pairwise interactions between microswimmers in anisotropic liquid, Phys. Rev. E 91, 013009 (2015).
O.D. Lavrentovich, Defects and textures of liquid crystals, 鈥淗andbook on Liquid Crystals鈥, Editors: J.W. Goodby, P.J. Collings, T. Kato, C. Tschierske, H.F. Gleeson, and P. Raynes; Second edition, vol.2, pp. 189-241 (2014),
Bing-Xiang Li, V. Borshch, S.V. Shiyanovskii, Shao-Bin Liu, O.D. Lavrentovich, Electro-optic switching of dielectrically negative nematic through nanosecond electric modification of order parameter, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 201105 (2014),
J. Xiang, S.V. Shiyanovskii, C. Imrie, O.D. Lavrentovich, Electrooptic response of chiral nematic liquid crystals with oblique helicoidal director, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 217801 (2014).
P.K. Challa, V. Borshch, O. Parri, C.T. Imrie, S.N. Sprunt, J.T. Gleeson, O.D. Lavrentovich, A. J谩kli, Twist-bend nematic liquid crystals in high magnetic fields, Phys Rev E 89, 060501 (2014)
Y.-K. Kim, R. Breckon, S. Chakraborty, M. Gao, S.N. Sprunt, J.T. Gleeson, R.J. Twieg, A. Jakli, O.D. Lavrtentovich, Properties of the broad-range nematic phase of a laterally linked H-shaped liquid crystal dimer, Liquid Crystals 41, 1345-1355 (2014)
I. Lazo, C. Peng, J. Xiang, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Liquid crystal-enabled electroosmosis through spatial charge separation in distorted regions as a novel mechanism of electrokinetics, Nature Communications 5, 5033 (2014)
M. Gao, Y.-K. Kim, C. Zhang, V. Borshch, S. Zhou, H.-S. Park, A. J谩kli, O.D. Lavrentovich, M.G. Tamba, A. Kohlmeier, G.H. Mehl, W. Weissflog, D. Studer, B. Zuber, H. Gnagi, F. Lin, Direct Observations of Liquid Crystals Using Cryo-TEM: Specimen Preparation and Low-Dose Imaging, Microscopy Research and Technique 77, 754-772 (2014).
Shuang Zhou, Adam J. Cervenka, and Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Ionic content dependence of viscoelasticity of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal sunset yellow, Phys. Rev. E 90, 042505, (2014).
C. Peng, I. Lazo, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Breaking symmetries in induced-charge electro-osmosis around metal and Janus spheres in water, Phys. Rev. E 90, 051002(R) (2014).
V. Borshch, S.V. Shiyanovskii, Bing-Xiang Li, O.D. Lavrentovich, Nanosecond electro-optics of a nematic liquid crystal with negative dielectric anisotropy, Phys. Rev. E 90, 062504, 16 pages (2014).
J. Xiang, S.V. Shiyanovskii, Y. Li, C.T. Imrie, Q. Li, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Electrooptics of chiral nematics formed by molecular dimers (Invited paper), Liquid Crystals XVIII, Ed. by I.C. Khoo, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9182, pp.91820P-1 鈥 91820P-9 (2014).
C. Zhang, O.D. Lavrentovich, A. J谩kli, New twist on the helical nanofilament phase of bent-core liquid crystals (Invited paper), Liquid Crystals XVIII, Ed. by I.C. Khoo, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9182, pp.91820Q-1 鈥 91820Q-1 (2014).
C. Zhang, N. Diorio, O.D. Lavrentovich, and A. J谩kli, Helical nanofilaments of bent-core liquid crystals with a second twist, Nature Communications 5, 3302 (2014)
S. Zhou, K. Neupane, Yu. A. Nastishin, A.R. Baldwin, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, S.N. Sprunt, Elasticity, viscosity, and orientational fluctuations of a lyotropic chromonic nematic liquid crystal disodium cromoglycate, Soft Matter 10, 6571-6581 (2014)
O.D. Lavrentovich, Transport of particles in liquid crystals, Soft Matter 10, 1264-1283 (2014)
S. Zhou, A. Sokolov, O.D. Lavrentovich, I. Aranson, Living liquid crystals, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA doi: 10.1073/pnas.1321926111 (2014)
C. Zhang, N. Diorio, O.D. Lavrentovich, A. Jakli, Helical nanofilaments of bent-core liquid crystals with a second twist, Nature Communications 5, 3302 (2014)
Y.-K. Kim, B. Senyuk, S.-T. Shin, A. Kohlmeier, G.H. Mehl, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Surface alignment, anchoring transitions, optical properties, and topological defects in the thermotropic nematic phase of an organo-siloxane tetrapodes, Soft Matter 10, 500-509 (2014)
T. Turiv, I. Lazo, A. Brodin, B.I. Lev, V. Reiffenrath, V.G. Nazarenko, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Effect of collective molecular reorientation on Brownian motion of colloids in nematic liquid crystal, Science 342, 1351-1354 (2013)
V. Borshch, Y.-K. Kim, J. Xiang, M. Gao, A. Jakli, V.P. Panov, J.K. Vij, C.T. Imrie, M.G. Tamba, G.H. Mehl, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Nematic twist-bend phase with nanoscale modulation of molecular orientation, Nature Communications 4, 2635 (2013)
Y.-K. Kim, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Morphogenesis of defects and tactoids during isotropic-nematic phase transition in self-assembled lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 404202 (2013)
V. Borshch, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Nanosecond electro-optic switching of a liquid crystal, Phys. Rev. Lett.111, 107802 (2013)
J. Xiang, O.D. Lavrentovich, Blue-phase-polymer-templated nematic with sub-millisecond broad-temperature range electro-optic switching, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 051112 (2013)
D.S. Miller, X. Wang, J. Buchen, O.D. Lavrentovich, N.L. Abbott, Analysisof the internal configurations of droplets of liquid crystals using flow cytometry, Analytical Chemistry 86, 10296-10303 (2013)
Y. Geng, D. Sec, P.L. Almeida, O.D. Lavrentovich, S. Zumer, M.H. Godinho, Liquid crystal necklaces: Cholestric drops threaded by thin cellulose fibers, Soft Matter 9, 7928-7933 (2013)
T. Ostapenko, Yu.A. Nastishin, P.J. Collings, S.N. Sprunt, , O.D. Lavrentovich, J. Gleeson, Aggregation, pretransitional behavior and optical properties in the isotropic phase of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals studied in high magnetic fields, Soft Matter 9, 9487-9498 (2013)
N. Ould-Moussa, C. Blanc, C. Zamora-Ledezma, O.D. Lavrentovich, I.I. Smalyukh, M.F. Islam, A.G. Yodh, M. Maugey, P. Poulin, E. Anglaret, M. Nobili, Dispersion and orientation of single walled carbon nanotubes in a chromonic liquid crystal, Liquid Crystals 40, 1628-1635 (2013)
C. Zhang, B.K. Sadashiva, O.D. Lavrentovich, A. Jakli, Cryo-TEM studies of two smectic phases of an asymmetric bent-core material, Liquid Crystals 40, 1636-1645 (2013)
O.D. Lavrentovich, Designing Dupin cyclides in micro- and macro worlds, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110, 5-6 (2013)
N. Avci, V. Borshch, D.D. Sarkar, R. Deb, G. Venkatesh, T. Turiv, S.V. Shiyanovskii, N.V.S. Rao, O.D. Lavrentovich, Viscoelasticity, dielectric anisotropy, and birefringence in the nematic phase of three four-ring bent-core liquid crystals with an L-shaped molecular frame, Soft Matter 9, 1066-1075 (2013)
I. Lazo, O.D. Lavrentovich, Liquid crystal enabled electrophoresis of spheres in a nematic medium with negative dielectric anisotropy, Phil. Trans. Royal Society A 371, 20120255 (2013)
O.D. Lavrentovich, Y.-K. Kim, B. Senyuk, Optical manifestation of thermal expansion of a nematic liquid crystal, Liquid Crystals XVI, Edited by I.C. Khoo, Proc. SPIE 8475, 84750G-1-7 (2012)
Y.-K. Kim, B.I. Senyuk, O.D. Lavrentovich, Molecular reorientation of a nematic liquid crystal by thermal expansion, Nature Communications 3, 1133-1139 (2012).
S. Zhou, Yu. A. Nastishin, M.M. Omelchenko, L. Tortora, V.G. Nazarenko, O.P. Boiko, T. Ostapenko, T. Hu, C.C. Almasan, S>N. Sprunt, J.T. Gleeson, O.D. Lavrentovich, Elasticity of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals probed by director reorientation in a magnetic field,Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 037801 (2012).
Y.-K. Kim, M. Majumdar, B.I. Senyuk, L. Tortora, J. Seltmann, M. Lehmann, A. Jakli, J.T. Gleeson, O.D. Lavrentovich, S. Sprunt, Search for biaxiality in a shape-persistent bent-core nematic liquid crystal, Soft Matter 8, 8880-8890 (2012).
B. Zupancic, S. Diez-Berart, D. Finotello, O.D. Lavrentovich, and B. Zalar, Photoisomerization-controlled phase separation in a submicron confined azonematic liquid crystal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 257801 (2012).
V. Borshch, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Electric field induced biaxial order and differential quenching of uniaxial fluctuations in a nematic with negative dielectric anisotropy, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 559, 97-105 (2012).
J. Xiang, O.D. Lavrentovich, Liquid crystal structures for transformation optics, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 559, 106-114 (2012).
O.D. Lavrentovich, Looking at the world through liquid crystal glasses, Contemporary Mathematics: American Math Society 577, 25-47 (2011)
O.P. Pishnyak, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Aggregation of colloidal particles in a non-equilibrium backflow induced by electrically-driven reorientation of the nematic liquid crystal, J. Molec. Liquids 164, 132-142 (2011).
O.D. Lavrentovich, Liquid crystals, photonic crystals, metamaterials and transformation optics, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 5143-5144 (2011).
L. Tortora, O.D. Lavrentovich, Chiral symmetry breaking by spatial confinement in tactoidal droplets of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 5163-5168 (2011).
B. Senyuk, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Surface alignment, anchoring transitions, optical properties and topological defects in nematic bent-core materials C7 and C12, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 540, 20-41 (2011).
A.B. Golovin, J. Xiang, H.S. Park, L. Tortora, O.D. Lavrentovich, Electro-optic effects in colloidal dispersion of metal nano-rods in dielectric fluid, Materials 4, 390-416 (2011).
Y.K. Kim, D.K. Yoon, H.S. Jeong, O.D. Lavrentovich, H.T. Jung, Smectic liquid crystal defects for self-assembling of building blocks and their lithographic applications,Advanced Functional Materials 21, 610-627 (2011).
H.S. Park, S.W. Kang, L. Tortora, S. Kumar, O.D. Lavrentovich, Condensation of self-assembled lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal Sunset Yellow in aqueous solutions crowded with polyethylene glycol and doped with salt, Langmuir 27, 4164-4175 (2011).
O.P. Pishnyak, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Inelastic collisions and anisotropic aggregation of particles in a nematic collider driven by backflow, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 047801 (2011).
V.G. Nazarenko, O.P. Boiko, M.I. Anisimov, A.K. Kadashchuk, Yu.A. Nastishin, A.B. Golovin, O.D. Lavrentovich, Lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal semiconductors for water-solution processable organic electronics, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 263305 (2010).
O.D. Lavrentovich, I. Lazo, O.P. Pishnyak, Nonlinear electrophoresis of dielectric and metal spheres in a nematic liquid crystal, Nature 467, 947-950 (2010).
B. Senyuk, H. Wonderly, M. Mathews, Q. Li, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Surface alignment, anchoring transitions, optical properties and topological defects in the nematic phase of thermotropic bent-core liquid crystal A131, Phys. Rev. E 82, 041711 (2010).
V.G. Nazarenko, O.P. Boiko, H.-S. Park, O.M. Brodyn, M.M. Omelchenko, L. Tortora, Yu.A. Nastishin, O.D. Lavrentovich, Surface alignment and anchoring transitions in nematic lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 017801 (2010).
S.V. Shiyanovskii and O.D. Lavrentovich, Dielectric relaxation and memory effects in nematic liquid crystals, Liquid Crystals 37(6-7), 737-745 (2010).
L. Tortora, H.-S. Park, S.-W. Kang, V. Savaryn, S.-H. Hong, K. Kaznatcheev, D. Finotello, S. Sprunt, S. Kumar, O.D. Lavrentovich, Self-assembly, condensation, and order in aqueous lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals crowded with additives, Soft Matter 6, 4157-4167 (2010).
E.C. Gartland, Jr., H. Huang, O.D. Lavrentovich, P. Palffy-Muhoray, I.I. Smaluykh,T. Kosa, B. Taheri, Electric-field induced transitions in a cholesteric liquid-crystal film with negative dielectric anisotropy, J. Comput. Theor. Nanoscience 7, 709-725 (2010).
A.B. Golovin,O.D. Lavrentovich, Electrically reconfigurable optical metamaterial based on colloidal dispersion of metal nanorods in dielectric fluid, Applied Physics Letters 95, 254104 (2009).
H.S. Park, O.D. Lavrentovich, Orientational order in systems of nanorods: Side-by-side and end-to-end controlled assembly using lyotropic chromonic materials, Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications II, Ed. M.A. Noginov, N.I. Zheludev, A.D. Boardman, N. Engheta, Proc. of SPIE, 739210, 12 pages (2009). San Diego, August 2009
M. Kleman, O.D.Lavrentovich, Liquids with Conics, Liquid crystals 36, 1085-1099(2009).
Bong Hoon Kim, Hyung Min Lee, Joo-Hyung Lee, Seung-Woo Son, Seong-Jun Jeong, Sumi Lee, Dong Il Lee, Shin Woong Kwak, Hawoong Jeong, Hyunjung Shin, Jun-Bo Yoon, Oleg D. Lavrentovich, and Sang Ouk Kim, Spontaneous Lamellar Alignment in Thickness-Modulated Block Copolymer Films, Adv. Functional Materials 19, 2584-2591 (2009).
Y.H. Kim, D. K. Yoon, M.C. Choi, H. S. Jeong, M. W. Kim, O.D. Lavrentovich, H. T. Jung, Confined Self-Assembly of Toric Focal Conic Domains (The Effects of Confined Geometry on the Feature Size of Toric Focal Conic Domains) Langmuir 25, 1685-1691 (2009).
Yu.A. Nastishin, O.P. Boiko, R.M. Vasyuta, V.M. Pergamenshchik, V.G. Nazarenko, O.D. Lavrentovich, Photoinduced reorientation of light-absorbing lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal, Ukrainsk. Fizich. Zhurnal 54, 82-88 (2009).
O.P. Pishnyak, S. Tang, J.R. Kelly, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Electrically induced dynamics of colloidal particles in nematic liquid crystal, Ukrainsk. Fizich. Zhurnal54, 101-108 (2009).
Mingxia Gu, S.V. Shiyanovskii, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Polar and nonpolar ordering in the electrically induced isotropic-nematic phase transition, Phys. Rev. E 78, 040702(R) (2008).
A. Jakli, B. Senyuk, G. Liao, O.D. Lavrentovich, Colloidal micro-motor in smectic A liquid crystal driven by DC electric field, Soft Matter 4, 2471-2474 (2008).
H.S. Park, S.W. Kang, L. Tortora, Y. Nastishin, D. Finotello, S. Kumar, O.D. Lavrentovich, Self-assembly of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal sunset yellow and effects of ionic additives, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 16307-16319 (2008).
H.S. Park, A. Agarwal, N.A. Kotov, O.D. Lavrentovich, Controllable side-by-side and end-to-end assembly of nanorods by lyotropic chromonic materials, Langmuir 24, 13833-13837 (2008).
Mingxia Gu, Sergij V. Shiyanovskii, and Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Polarity-Dependent Dielectric Torque in Nematic Liquid Crystals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100,237801 (2008).
S.V. Shiyanovskii,A. B. Golovin, Ye Yin, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Effects of Dielectric Relaxation on the Dynamics and Dielectric Heating of Nematic Liquid Crystals, Mol.Cryst. Liq. Cryst.,480, 111-128 (2008).
Mingxia Gu, YeYin, S.V. Shiyanovskii, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Effects of dielectric relaxation on the director dynamics of uniaxial nematic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E. 76, 061702 (2007).
K. V. Kaznatcheev, P. Dudin, O.D. Lavrentovich, A.P. Hitchcock,X-ray microscopy study of chromonic liquid crystal dry film texture, Phys. Rev. E. 76, 061703 (2007).
Brian G. Saar,Heung-Shik Park, X. S. Xie, and Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Three-dimensional imaging of chemical bond orientation in liquid crystals by coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy, Optics Express 15, 13585-13596 (2007).
O.P. Pishnyak,S. Tang, J.R. Kelly, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Levitation,Lift and bidirectional motion of colloidal particles in an electrically-driven nematic liquid crystal,Phys. Rev. Lett. 99,127802 (2007).
D.K. Yoon, M.C.Choi, Y.H. Kim, M.W. Kim, O.D. Lavrentovich and H.T. Jung, Internalstructure visualization and lithographic use of periodic toroidal holes in liquid crystals, Nature Materials 6, 866-870(2007).
O.P. Boiko, R.M.Vasyuta, V.G. Nazarenko, V.M. Pergamenshchik, Yu. A. Nastishin, O.D.Lavrentovich, Polarizing properties offunctional optical films based on lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 467, 181-194 (2007).
L. Tortora, H.-S.Park, K. Antion, D. Finotello, O.D. Lavrentovich, Lyotropic chromonicliquid crystals as materials for opticaland biosensing applications, Proceedings of SPIE 6487, p. 6487OI-1-6487OI-15 (2007).
Ye Yin, S.V. Shiyanovskii,and O.D. Lavrentovich, Thermodielectric bistability in dual frequencynematic liquid crystal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 097801 (2007).
A.B. Nych, U.M.Ognysta, V.M. Pergamenshchik, B.I. Lev, V.G. Nazarenko, I. Musevich,M. Skarabot, O.D. Lavrentovich, Coexistence of two colloidal crystalsat the nematic liquid crystal-air interface, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98,057801 (2007).
O.P. Pishnyak and O.D. Lavrentovich, Electrically controlled negative refraction in a nematic liquid crystal, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 251103 (2006).
Oleg Pishnyak, Susumu Sato, and Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Electrically tunable lens based on dual-frequency nematic liquid crystal, Appl. Optics 45, 4576-4582 (2006).
I.I. Smalyukh, B.I. Senyuk, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, A.N. Kuzmin, A.A. Kachynski, P.N. Prasad, Optical trapping, manipulation, and 3D imaging of disclinations in liquid crystals and measurement of their line tension, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 450, 279-295 (2006).
V.M. Pergamenshchik, V.Y. Gaivoronsky, S.V. Yakunin, R.M. Vasyuta, V.G. Nazarenko, O.D. Lavrentovich, Hypothesis of dye aggregation in a nematic liquid crystal: From experiment to a model of the enhanced light-director interaction, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 454, 145-156 (2006).
M. Kleman, O.D. Lavrentovich, Topological point defects in nematic liquid crystals, Phil. Mag. 85, 4117-4137 (2006).
Y. Yin, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Electric Heating Effects in nematic liquid crystals, Journal of Applied Physics 100, 024906 (2006).
B.I. Senyuk, I.I. Smalyukh, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Undulations of lamellar liquid crystals in cells with finite surface anchoring near and well above the threshold, Phys. Rev. E 74, 011712 (2006).
N. Gheorghiu, I.I. Smalyukh, O.D. Lavrentovich, J.T. Gleeson, Three dimensional imaging of dielectric patterns in electrohydrodynamic convection of a nematic liquid crystal, Phys. Rev. E 74, 041702 (2006).
O.D. Lavrentovich and M. Kleman, Comment on "Structure of Smectic Defect Cores: X-Ray Study of 8CB Liquid Crystal Ultrathin Films" Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 159801 (2006).
V. M. Pergamenshchik, V. Ya. Gayvoronsky, S.V. Yakunin, R.M. Vasyuta, V.G. Nazarenko, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Enhanced light-induced director reorientation and dye aggregationj in a nematic liquid crystal, Functional Materials 13, 681-686 (2006).
S.L. Helfinstine, O.D. Lavrentovich, and C.J. Woolverton, Lyotropic liquid crystal as a real-time detector of microbial immune complexes, Letters in Appl. Microbiology 43, 27-32 (2006).
O. Pishnyak, L. Kreminska, O.D. Lavrentovich, J.J. Pouch, F.A. Miranda, B.K. Winker, Smectic A filled birefringent elements and fast switching twisted dual-frequency nematic cells used for digital light deflection, Optical Engineering 45, 044002 (2006).
I.I. Smalyukh, O. Zribi, J. Butler, O.D. Lavrentovich, and G.C.L. Wong, Structureand dynamics of liquid crystalline pattern formation in drying droplets ofDNA, Phys. Rev. Lett.96, 177801 (2006).
M. Gu, I.I. Smalyukh,and O.D. Lavrentovich, Directed vertical alignment liquid crystaldisplay with fast switching, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88,061110, 3 pages, (2006).
A. B. Golovin,O. P. Pishnyak, S.V. Shiyanovskii, and O.D. Lavrentovich, AchromaticLinear Polarization Switch for Visible and Near Infrared RadiationBased on Dual-Frequency Twisted Nematic Cell, Proceedings of SPIE 6135,61350E, 8 pages (2006).
A.B. Golovin, S.V.Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Gradient beam steering device based on nematic cell with continuous ramp of the phase retardation, SPIE 5741, 146-153 (2005).
G. Liao, I.I. Smalyukh, J.R. Kelly, O.D. Lavrentovich, and A. Jakli, Electrorotation of colloidal particles in liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 72,031704, 5 pages, (2005).
Yu. A. Nastishin,H. Liu, T. Schneider, V. Nazarenko, R. Vasyuta, S.V. Shiyanovskii,and O.D. Lavrentovich, Optical characterization of the nematic lyotropicchromonic liquid crystals: Light absorption, birefringence, and scalarorder parameter, Phys. Rev. E 72, 041711 (2005).
I.I. Smalyukh,B.I. Senyuk, M. Gu, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Focused Laser Beams andLiquid Crystals: Fast three-dimensional imaging of structures andtopological defects, in: Liquid Crystals: Optics and Applications,edited by T.R. Wolinski, M. Warenghem, S.-T. Wu, Proc.SPIE 5947,594707, 11 pages (2005).
I.I. Smalyukh,B.I. Senyuk, P. Palffy-Muhoray, O.D. Lavrentovich, H. Huang, E.C.Gartland, Jr., V.H. Bodnar, T. Kosa, and B. Taheri, Electric-field-inducednematic-cholesteric transition and three-dimensional director structuresin homeotropic cells, Phys. Rev. E 72, 061707 (2005).
B.I. Senyuk, I.I. Smalyukh, O.D. Lavrentovich, Switchable two-dimensional gratingsbased on field-induced layer undulations in cholesteric liquid crystals, OpticsLetters, 30, 249-351 (2005).
I.I. Smalyukh, A.N. Kuzmin, A.A. Kachynski, P.N. Prasad, and O.D. Lavrentovich,Optical trapping of colloidal particles and measurement of the defect linetension and colloidal forces in a thermotropic nematic liquid crystal, Appl.Phys. Lett. 86, 021913 (2005).
S.V. Shiyanovskii, T. Schneider, I.I. Smalyukh, T. Ishikawa, G.D. Niehaus,K.J. Doane, C.J. Woolverton, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Real-time microbe detectionbased on director distortions around growing immune complexes in lyotropicchromonic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 71, 020702 (R) (2005).
C. J. Woolverton, Erin Gustely, L. Li, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Liquid crystaleffects on bacterial viability" Liquid Crystals 32, 417-423 (2005).
I.I. Smalyukh, R. Pratibha, N.V. Madhusudana, O.D. Lavrentovich, Selectiveimaging of 3D director fields and study of defects in biaxial smectic A liquid crystals, European Physics Journal E Soft Matter 16 (2), 179-191(2005).
Tod Schneider, Kateryna Artyushkova, Julia E. Fulghum, L. Broadwater, AshleySmith, and Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Oriented Monolayers Prepared from LyotropicChromonic Liquid Crystal, Langmuir 21(6) 2300-2307 (2005).
A. Vella, R. Intartaglia, C. Blanc, I.I. Smalyukh, O.D. Lavrentovich, and M.Nobili, Electric-field-induced deformation dynamics of a single nematic disclination,Phys. Rev. E 71, 061705, 9 pages (2005).
Y. Yin, S.V. Shiyanovskii, A. Golovin, O.D. Lavrentovich, Dielectric torqueand orientational dynamics of liquid crystals with dielectric dispersion, Phys.Rev. Lett., 95, 087801 (2005).
I.I. Smalyukh, O.D. Lavrentovich, A.N. Kuzmin, A.V. Kachynski, and P.N. Prasad,Elasticity-mediated self-organization and colloidal interactions of solid sphereswith tangential anchgoring in a nematic liquid crystal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95,157801 (2005).
O. Yaroschuk, R. Kravchuk, A. Dobrovolskyy, C.D. Lee, P.C. Liu, and O.D. Lavrentovich,The multimode LC alignment on the substrates obliquely treated with a plasmaflux, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 433, 1-12 (2005).
O. Pishnyak, L. Kreminska, O.D. Lavrentovich, J.J. Pouch, F.A. Miranda, B.K.Winker, Liquid crystal digital beam steering device based on decoupled birefringentdeflector and polarization rotator, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 433, 279-295 (2005).
S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, T. Schneider, T. Ishikawa, I.I. Smalyukh,C.J. Woolverton, G.D. Niehaus, K.J. Doane, Lyotropic chromonic liquid crystalsfor biological sensing applications, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 434, 587-598 (2005).
L. Tortora, G. Chidichimo, L. Kreminska, A. Golovin, O.D. Lavrentovich, Electro-optical properties of UV stabilized sub-micron dispersion with low liquid crystal content, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 435, 833-893 (2005).
I.I. Smalyukh, S. Chernyshuk, B.I. Lev, A.B. Nych, U. Ognysta, V.G. Nazarenko,and O.D. Lavrentovich, Ordered Droplet Structures at the Liquid Crystal Surfaceand Elastic-Capillary Colloidal Interactions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93,117801 (2004).
Y.Yin, M. Gu, A.B. Golovin, S.V. Shiyanovskii, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Fastswitching optical modulator based on dual frequency nematic cell, Mol. Cryst.Liq. Cryst. 421, 133-144 (2004).
Yu. A. Nastishin, H. Liu, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, A.F. Kostko,and M.A. Anisimov, Pretransitional fluctuations in the isotropic phase of alyotropic chromonic liquid crystal, Phys. Rev. E 70, 051706,9 pages (2004).
O. Yaroshchuk, R. Kravchuk, A. Dobrovolskyy, L. Qiu, and O.D. Lavrentovich,Planar and tilted uniform alignment of liquid crystals by plasma treated substrates,Liquid Crystals 31, 859-869 (2004).
A.B. Golovin, Y. Yin, S.V. Shiyanovskii, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Fast switchingdual frequency liquid crystal optical retarder for beam steering applications,Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices and Applications X and Projections DisplaysX, Eds. By L.-C. Chien and M.H. Wu, SPIE 5289, pp. 53-62 (2004).
O.P. Pishnyak, Yu.A. Nastishin, and O.D. Lavrentovich, Comment on "Self-organizedperiodic photonic structure in a nonchiral liquid crystal," Phys. Rev.Lett. 93, 109401 (2004).
T. Schneider, A. Golovin, Jong Chan Lee and Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Lyotropicchromonic liquid crystals in aligned films for applications as polarizing coatings, Journal of Information display, The Korean Information Display Society 5,No.2, 27-38 (2004).
I.I. Smalyukh, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Anchoring-Mediated Interaction ofEdge Dislocations and a Boundary in a Confined Cholesteric Liquid Crystal," Phys.Rev. Lett. 90, 085503 (2003) and Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research 5, No.5, Section Membrane Biophysics, March 1 (2003).
S.V. Shiyanovskii,O.D. Lavrentovich, "3D Simulations of Nematic and CholestericLiquid Crystals in Complex Geometries," SID Intnl. Digest Tech.Papers XXXIV, 34, p.664-667 (2003).
O. Yaroshchuk,R. Kravchuk, A. Dobrovolskyy, L. Qiu, O.D. Lavrentovich, "TwoModes of LC Parallel Alignmnet on the Plasma Treated Substrates," SID Intnl. Digest Tech. PapersXXXIV, 34, p.062-1065 (2003).
A.B. Golovin, S.V.Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Fast-Switching Dual-FrequencyLiquid Crystal Optical Retarder, Driven by an Amplitude and FrequencyModulated Voltage," SID Intnl. Digest Tech. Papers XXXIV, 34,Book II, p.1472-1475 (2003).
I.I. Smalyukh,R. Pratibha, O.D. Lavrentovich, N.V. Madhusudana, Free-StandingFilms of Twist Grain Boundary TGB(A) and UTGB(C*) Liquid CrystalsStudied by Fluorescence Confocal Polarizing Microscopy, Liquid Crystals, 30, No.8, pp. 877-888 (2003).
O.D. Lavrentovich, "FluorescenceConfocal Polarizing Microscopy: Three-Dimensional Imaging of the Director," Pramana 鈥 Journal of Physics, 61, No.2, 373-384August (2003).
A.B. Golovin, S.V.Shiyanovskii and O.D. Lavrentovich, Fast-Switching Dual-Frequency Liquid Crystal Optical Retarder, Driven by an Amplitude and FrequencyModulated Voltage, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, p.3864-3866 (2003).
Shila Garg, Kirstin Purdy, Erica Bramley, I. Smalyukh, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Electric-Field Induced Nucleation and Growth of Focal Conic and Stripe Domains in a Smectica Liquid Crystals," Liquid Crystals 30, No.12, pp 1377-1390 (2003).
S. Nazzal, I.I. Smalyukh, O.D. Lavrentovich, M.A. Khan "Preparation and in Vitro Characterization of a Eutectic Based Semisolid Self-Nanoemulsified Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) of Ubiquinone: Mechanism and Progress of EmulsionFormation," International Journal of Pharmaceutics 235, 247-265 (2002).
D. Voloschenko,O. Pishnyak, S.V. Shiyanovskii O.D. Lavrentovich, "Effect of Director Distortions on Morphologies of Phase Separation in Liquid Crystals," Phys. Rev. E, 65, 060701 (R) (2002).
C. Chiccoli, I.Feruli, O.D. Lavrentovich, P. Pasini, S.V. Shiyanovskii, C. Zannoni, "TopologicalDefects in Schlieren Textures of Uniaxial and Biaxial Nematics," Phys.Rev. E66, 030701 (R) September (2002).
I.I. Smalyukh,O.D. Lavrentovich, "Three-Dimensional Director Structures ofDefects in Grandjean-Cano Wedges of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals Studiedby Fluorescence Confocal Polarizing Microscopy," Phys. Rev.E 66, 051703 (2002); selected and published in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 4, No.10, section Membrane Biophysics(2002).
T. Schneider, A.Smith, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Imaging Oriented Aggregates of LyotropicChromonic Mesogenic Dyes by Atomic Force Microscopy," Mat.Res. Soc. Symp., 636, D11.8.1-D.11.8.5 (2001).
I.I. Smalyukh,S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Three-Dimensional Imagingof Orientational Order by Fluorescence Confocal Polarizing Microscopy," Chem.Phys. Lett.,336, No.1-2, pp. 88-96 (2001).
T. Ishikawa, O.D.Lavrentovich "Undulations in a Confined Lamellar System withSurface Anchoring," Phys. Rev. E 63, 030501(R), 4 pages (2001).
S.V. Shiyanovskii, D. Voloschenko, T. Ishikawa, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Director Structuresof Cholesteric Diffraction Gratings," Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 358, 225-246 (2001).
S.V. Shiyanovskii,A. Glushchenko, Yu. Renikov, O.D. Lavrentovich, J.L. West, "Tensor and Complex Representations of Anchoring in Liquid Crystals," Mol.Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 367, 239-250 (2001).
Y. Reznikov, O.Ostroverkhova, K.D. Singer, J.H. Kim, S. Kumar, O. Lavrentovich,B. Wang, J.L. West, "Comment on "Photoalignment of Liquid Crystals by Liquid Crystals" - Reply - Art. No. 249602," Phys.Rev. Lett. 87 (24) 249602 (2001).
Y. Reznikov, O. Ostroverkhova, K.D. Singer, J-H. Kim, S. Kumar, O. Lavrentovich,B. Wang, J.L. West, "Photoalignment of Liquid Crystals by Liquid Crystals," Phys.Rev. Lett. 84, No. 9, 1930-1933 (2000).
T. Sergan, T. Schneider, J. Kelly, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Polarizing-Alignment Layers for Twisted Nematic Cells," Liquid Crystals 27, No.5, pp. 567-572 (2000).
M. Kleman, O.D.Lavrentovich "Curvature Energy of a Focal Conic Domain with Arbitrary Eccentricity," Phys. Rev. E 61, No.2, 1574-1578 (2000).
M. Kleman, O.D.Lavrentovich "Grain Boundaries and the Law of CorrespondingCones in Smectics," Europhys. Journal E 2, 47-57 (2000).
D. Voloschenko,O.D. Lavrentovich, Optical Vortices Generated by Dislocationsin a Cholesteric Liquid Crystal, Optics Letters, 25, No.5,pp. 317-319 (2000).
T. Schneider, O.D.Lavrentovich "Self Assembled Monolayers and Multilayered Stacksof Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystalline Dyes with In-Plane OrientationalOrder,"Langmuir16, No.12, pp. 5227-5230 (2000).
S.V. Shiyanovskii, A. Glushchenko, Y. Reznikov, O.D. Lavrentovich, J.L. West, "Tensorand Complex Anchoring in Liquid Crystals," Phys. Rev. E 62,No.2, R1477-R1480 (2000).
B. Zalar, O.D.Lavrentovich, H. Zeng, D. Finotello, "Deuteron NMR Investigationof a Photomechanical Effect in a Smectic a Liquid Crystal," Phys.Rev. E 62, No.2, 2252-2262 (2000).
D. Subacius, D.Voloschenko, P. Bos, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Modulated Structures with Electric Field Controlled Direction and Periodicity in SmC*Liquid Crystals," Liq. Cryst. 26, 295-298 (1999).
Y. Lansac, M.A.Glaser, N.A. Clark, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Photocontrolled Nanophase Segregation in a Liquid-Crystal Solvent," Nature, 398, No.6722, p.54-57 (1999).
S. Blumenstengel,I. Sokolik, R. Dorsinville, D. Voloschenko, M. He, O. Lavrentovich,L.-C. Chien, "Photo-, and Electroluminescence Studies of 2,5-bis[2'("-(6-hexoxybenzyl))-1'ethenyl]-3,4-dibutyltriophenes," Synthetic Metals, 99, pp. 85-90 (1999).
Yu. A. Nastishin,R.D. Polak, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Determinationof Nematic Polar Anchoring from Retardation Versus Voltage Measurements," Appl.Phys. Lett. 75, No.2, 202-204 (1999).
Yu. A. Nastishin,R.D. Polak, S.V. Shiyanovskii, V.H. Bodnar, O.D. Lavrentovich, "NematicPolar Anchoring Strength Measured by Electric Field Techniques," J. Appl. Phys.86, 4199-4213 (1999).
D. Voloschenko,O.D. Lavrentovich, "Light-Induced Director-Controlled Microassemblyof Dye Molecules from a Liquid Crystal Matrix," J. Appl. Phys.86, 4843-4846, (1999).
T. Ishikawa, O.D.Lavrentovich, "Dislocation Profile in Cholesteric Finger Texture,"Phys.Rev. E 60, R5037-R5039 (1999).
D. Andrienko, D.Fedorenko, E. Ouskova, V. Reshetnyak, Y. Reznikov, S. Slussarenko,D. Voloshchenko, O. Lavrentovich, "Light-Induced Phenomenain Liquid Crystals," Ukr. Phys. J. 44, 149 (1999).
W.R. Folks, Y.A.Reznikov, S. N. Yarmolenko, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Light-Induced Periodic Lattice of Defects in Smectic A and C Liquid Crystals: Structuraland Dynamical Aspects,",Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst, 292, 183-197(1997) and in Dynamics and Defects in Liquid Crystals, A Festschriftin Honor of Alfred Saupe, P. Cladis, P. Palffy-Muhoray, Eds., pp.211-225,Gordon and Breach Science Publ.: Amsterdam, (1998).
V.M. Pergamenshchik,D. Subacius, O.D.Lavrentovich, "K13 - Induced Deformationsin a Nematic Liquid Crystal: Experimental Test of the First OrderTheory Elasticity," Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst, 292, 25-37 (1997) and in Dynamics and Defects in Liquid Crystals, A Festschriftin Honor of Alfred Saupe, P. Cladis, P. Palffy-Muhoray, Eds. pp.25-37,Gordon and Breach Science Publ.: Amsterdam, (1998).
D. Andrienko, Y.Kurioz, Y. Reznikov, C. Rosenblatt, R. Petschek, O. Lavrentovich,D. Subacius "Tilted Photoalignment of a Nematic Liquid Crystal Induced by a Magnetic Field,"J. Appl. Physics 83, No.1, p.50-55 (1998).
T. Ishikawa, O.D.Lavrentovich, "Crossing of Disclinations in Nematic Slabs,"Europhys.Lett.,41, No.2, p. 171-176 (1998).
V.G. Nazarenko,R. Klouda, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Unipolar Electro-optic effect in a Nematic Cell," Phys. Rev. E 57, No.1, p. R36-R38 (1998).
P. Ziherl, D. Subacius,A. Strigazzi, V.M. Pergamenshchik, A.L. Alexe-Ionescu, O.D. Lavrentovich,S. Zumer "Magnetic Field Controlled Optical Phase Retardationin a Hybrid Nematic Cell," Liq. Cryst. 24, No.4, 607-612 (1998).
O.D. Lavrentovich,D.-K. Yang, "Cholesteric Cellular Patterns with Electric-Field-ControlledLine Tension," Phys. Rev. E 57, R6269 (1998).
W.R. Folks, S.Keast, T.A. Krentzel, B. Zalar, H. Zeng,Yu.A. Reznikov, M. Neubert,S. Kumar, D. Finotello, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Photocontrol of Smectic Spacing," Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.320, pp. 77-88 (1998).
Topological Defectsin Dispersed Liquid Crystals, or Words and Worlds around Liquid CrystalDrops, O.D. Lavrentovich, presented at the Capri Symposium in Honourof George W. Gray, FRS held at the Hotel Palatium, Capri, 11-14 September 1996, Liq. Cryst. 24, 117-125 (1998).
O.D. Lavrentovich,C. Quilliet, M. Kl茅 man, "Orientational Dependence of the Surface Free Energy of the L(alpha) - L3 Interface," J. Phys. Chem., B, 101, No.3, pp.420-428 (1997).
O.D. Lavrentovich,T. Ishikawa, E.M. Terentjev, "Disclination Loop in Mori-NakanishiAnsatz: Role of the Divergence Elasticity," Mol. Cryst. Liq.Cryst, 299, 301-306 (1997).
D. Subacius, P.Bos, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Switchable Diffractive CholestericGratings," Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, p.1350-1352 (1997).
R. Klouda, V.G.Nazarenko, T. Kosa, K.-M. Hsia, O.Lavrentovich, P. Palffy-Muhoray, "Effectsin Nematic Cells with Broken Centrosymmetry," Mol. Cryst. Liq.Cryst., 304, 133-138 (1997).
T.A. Krentsel (Lobko),O.D. Lavrentovich, S. Kumar, "In-situ X-ray Measurements of Light-Controlled Layer Spacing in a Smectic-A Liquid Crystal," Mol.Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 304, 463-470 (1997).
C. Chiccoli, O.D.Lavrentovich, P. Pasini, C. Zannoni "Monte Carlo Simulationsof Stable Point Defects in Hybrid Nematic Films," Phys. Rev.Lett., 79, No.22, p. 4401-4404 (1997).
D. Subacius, S.V.Shiyanovskii, P. Bos, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Cholesteric Gratings with Field-Controlled Period," Appl. Phys. Lett,. 71, No. 23,p. 3323-3325 (1997).
D. Subacius, V.M.Pergamenshchik, O.D.Lavrentovich, "Magnetic Field Effects in a Nematic Cell with a High Tilt Angle ("First-Order Theory")," Mol.Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 288, 129-141 (1996).
O.D. Lavrentovich, "Topological defects in dispersed liquid crystals, or words and worlds around liquid crystal drops," presented at the Capri Symposium (1996).
A. Sparavigna,O.D. Lavrentovich, A. Strigazzi, "Magnetic Field Effect on Periodic Stripe Domains in Nematic Liquid Crystals," Phys.Rev. E, 51, 792-795 (1995).
W.R. Folks, Yu.A.Reznikov, L. Chen, A.I. Khizhnyak, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Low-Power Laser Induced Instabilities in Smectic a Liquid Crystals," Mol.Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 261, 259-270 (1995).
D. Subacius, V.M.Pergamenshchik, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Measurement of Polar Anchoring Coefficient for Nematic Cell with High Pretilt Angle," Appl.Phys. Lett. 67, p. 214-216 (1995).
O.D. Lavrentovich,M. Kl茅 man, V.M. Pergamenshchik, "Nucleation of Focal Conic Domains in Smectic a Liquid Crystals, J. de Phys. II (France),4, p.377-404 (1994).
V.G. Nazarenko,O.D. Lavrentovich, "Anchoring Transition in a Nematic LiquidCrystal Composed of Centrosymmetric Molecules," Phys. Rev.E, 49, p. R990-993 (1994).
A. Sparavigna,O.D. Lavrentovich, A. Strigazzi, "Periodic Stripe Domains andHybrid Alignment Regime in Nematic Liquid Crystals. Threshold analysis," Phys.Rev. E, 49, p.1344-1352 (1994).
Z. Li, O.D. Lavrentovich, "SurfaceAnchoring and Growth Patterns of the Field-Driven First-Order Transitionin a Smectic a Liquid Crystal," Phys. Rev. Lett., 73, 280-283(1994).
Jian-Feng Li, V.Percec, Ch. Rosenblatt, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Biaxiality in a Cyclic Thermotropic Nematic Liquid Crystal," Europhys. Lett.,25, 199-204 (1994).
O.D. Lavrentovich,V.M. Pergamenshchik, "Stripe Domain Phase of a Thin Nematic Film and the K13 Elasticity," Phys. Rev. Lett., 73, 979-982(1994).
Ph. Boltenhagen,M. Kl茅 man, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Freeze-Fracture Observationsin the La Phase of a Swollen Surfactant in the Vicinities of theL3 and L1 Phase Transitions," J. de Phys. II (France), 4, 1439-1448(1994).
E. Gorecka, LiChen, O. Lavrentovich, W. Pyzuk, "X-Ray Studies of Bond Orientational Order in Liquid-Crystalline Orthogonal Hexatic-B Phase." Europhys.Lett., 27, 507-512 (1994).
V.G. Bodnar, O.D. Lavrentovich and V.M. Pergamenshchik, "Threshold ofstructural hedgehog-ring transition in droplets of a nematic in an alternatingelectric field."Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., v.101, 111-125 (1992)/ Sov.Phys.JETP,v. 74, 60-67 (1992).
O.D. Lavrentovich, Yu. A. Nastishin, "Optical Bragg Diffraction of the Helical Smectic A Liquid Crystal." Mol. Cryst. & Liq. Cryst., 1992, Vol. 221, pp. 57-60.(1992).
Just thin nematic film, O.D.Lavrentovich, Liquid Crystals Today, 2, p.3-4 (1992).
P. Boltenhagen,O. Lavrentovich and M. Kleman, "Oily streaksand focal conic domains in Lyotropic liquid crystals". J. Phys.II France, 1, 1233-152. (1991).
O.D. Lavrentovich,V.G. Nazarenko, V.M. Pergamenshchik, V.V. Sergan, and V.M. Sorokin, "Surface-polarization electrooptic effect in a nematic liquid crystal". Sov. Phys.JETP 72 (3) 431-444 (1991).
A.V. Koval`chuk,M.V. Kurik, O.D. Lavrentovich and V.V. Sergan, "Electrooptical effects in the polymer dispersed nematic liquid crystals: response times." Molec.Cryst. & Liquid Cryst., v.193, p.217-221 (1990).
O. Lavrentovich, V. Pergamenshchik and V. Sergan, "Surface polarization and domain structures in thin nematic layers." Molec.Cryst. & LiquidCryst., v.192, p.239-243 (1990).
O. Lavrentovich, T. Marusiy, Yu. Resnikov and V. Sergan, "Testing methods of measurements of liquid crystal-to-solid surface anchoring energy." Mol.Cryst. & LiquidCryst., v.192, p.75-78 (1990).
O.D. Lavrentovich, V.V. Sergan, "Parity-breaking phase transition in atangentially anchored nematic droplets." Nuovo Cimento, Ser.D - Cond.Matt.,v.12, p.1219-1222 (1990).
N.M. Golovataya, M.V. Kurik and O.D. Lavrentovich, "Self-organization of polymer dispersed nematic droplets." Liq.Cryst., v.7, p.287-292 (1990).
O.D. Lavrentovich and L.N. Tarakhan, Temperature dependence of the surfacetension coefficient at the liquid crystal-isotropic fluid interface, Poverkhnost(In Russian with English Abstract) vol. 1, 39-44 (1990).
O.D. Lavrentovichand Y.A. Nastishin, Defects in Degenerate Hybrid Aligned nematic Liquid Crystals, Europhys. Lett., 12 (2), pp.135-141 (1990).
O.D. Lavrentovich and V.A. Linev, "Dechiralization of cholesteric liquid crystals due to the action of ionizing radiation". Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 35(2), pp. 268-271 (1990).
O.D. Lavrentovich,Yu. A. Nastishin, V.I. Kulishov, Yu. S. Narkevich, A.S. Tolochkoand S.V. Shiyanovskii, "Helical Smectic A". Europhys. Lett.,13 (4), 313-318 (1990).
O.D.Lavrentovich, T. Ya. Marusii, Yu.A. Reznikov, and V.V. Sergan, Determination of the anchoring energy in nematic liquid crystal by two independent test methods, Zhurn. Tekh. Fiz., v.59, No.10, p.199-201 (1989) /Sov.Phys.-Tech.Phys., v.34, p.1219-1220(1989).
A.V. Kovalchuk, O.D. Lavrentovich, and V.V. Sergan, Dynamics of electrooptic effects in droplets of a nematic liquid crystal, Pis'ma Zh.Tekh.Fiz., v.15,No. 13, p.78-82 (1989)/ Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett., v.15, p.529-530 (1989).
O.D. Lavrentovich and V.V. Sergan, Phase transition induced by twist in bipolar nematic drops, Ukrainian Fiz.Zhurn., v.34, p.1034-1036 (1989).
Dispersed nematic liquid crystals: the new type of display, A.V. Kovalchuk, M.V. Kurikand O.D. Lavrentovich, Zarubezhnaya radioelectronika, No 5, p.44-53(1989).
Defects in liquid crystals: linear and point singularities in nematics, M.V. Kurikand O.D. Lavrentovich, Izv. AN SSSR, Ser.Fiz. 53, 1880-1904 (1989)/ Bull.Acad.Sci.USSR, Phys.Ser., v.53, p.22-44 (1989).
A.A. Polishchuk, Yu.G. Antipin, T.V. Timofeeva, O.D. Lavrentovich, A.S. Kotelchuk,L.A. Taraborkin and V.P. Strukov, Structure of crystalline precursors of mesophases. X-ray structural properties of ethoxybenzoates of cholesterol, Kristallografiya, v.33, p.1134-1143 (1988) /Sov.Phys.-Crystallogr., v.33, p.672-677 (1988).
N.S. Pivovarova, I.E. Boldeskul, O.D. Lavrentovich, S.V. Shelyazhenko, and Yu.A. Fialkov,Mesomorphism of fluorinated derivatives of MBBA, Kristallografiya,v.33, p.1460-1463 (1988) /Sov.Phys.-Crystallogr., v.33, p.1460-1463 (1988).
G. Kosinov, O.D.Lavrentovich, V.A. Linjov, G.A. Puchkovskaya, S.Z. Shulga, A.A.akubov,On the nature of the irradiated-induced impurities in liquid crystalline cholesterylformiate,Khimiya Vys. Energii, v.22, p.26-30 (1988)/ Sov.J.Chemistry of High Energies, v.22, p.26-30 (1988).
A.V. Kovalchuk, O.D. Lavrentovich, and V.V. Sergan, Orientation of axisymmetrical nematic drops by an electric field, Pis'ma Zh.Tekh.Fiz., v.14, p.197-202(1988) / Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett., v.14, p.87-89 (1988).
O.D. Lavrentovich and S.S. Rozhkov, Strings with boojums at their ends: topological defects of a new type in nematic liquid crystals, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp.Teor.Fiz.,v.47, p.210-213 (1988) / JETP Lett., v.47, p.254-258 (1988).
A.V. Kovalchuk, M.V. Kurik, O.D. Lavrentovich and V.V. Sergan, "Structural transformations in nematic droplets in an external electric field." Zhurn.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., v.94, p.350-364 (1988)/ JETP, v.67, p.1065-1073 (1988).
O.D. Lavrentovich, "Flexoelectricity of nematic droplets." Pis'ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz., v.14, p.166-171 (1988)/ Sov.Tech.Phys.Lett., v.14, p.73-76 (1988).
A.V. Kovalchuk,O.D. Lavrentovich, and V.A. Linev, "Electrical conductivity of irradiated cholesteric liquid crystals." Pis'ma Zh. Tekh.Fiz. 14, 854-858 (1988)/ Sov.Tech.Phys.Lett., v.14(5), p.381-382(1988).
Defects in liquid crystals: homotopy theory and experimental studies, M.V. Kurik and O.D. Lavrentovich, Uspekhi Fiz.Nauk, v.154, p. 381-432 (1988)/ Sov.Phys.-Uspekhi,v.31, p.196-224 (1988).
O.D. Lavrentovich and Yu.A. Nastishin, Thermomechanical effect in deformed nematic liquid crystal, Ukrainian Fiz.Zhurn., v.32, p.710-712 (1987).
M.V. Kurik, A.V.Kovalchuk, O.D. Lavrentovich and V.V. Sergan, Electrooptical effect in dispersed nematic droplets, Ukrainian Fiz. Zhurn., v.32, p.1211-1213 (1987).
D.F. Aliev, O.D.Lavrentovich, V.A. Linjov, and N.M. Mamedov, Influence of the irradiationdose on the threshold field for the homeotropic-planar transitionin smectic A phase of cholesterylnonanoate, Ukrainian Fiz.Zhurn.,v.32, 1220-1222 (1987).
M.V. Kurik, O.D.Lavrentovich, V.A. Linjov, and S.Z. Shulga, Effect of ionizing radiationon the phase diagram of liquid crystals, Zhurn.Fiz.Khim., v.61, p.1634-1639(1987)/Russ.J.Phys.Chem.(UK), v.61, No.6, p.851-853 (1987).
S.G. Skuridin,N.S. Badayev, O.D. Lavrentovich, and Yu.M. Evdokimov, Directing of the DNA liquid-crystalline structure by using an antracycline andantrakhinone compounds, Dokl. AN SSSR, Ser.Biofiz., v.295, p.,1240-1243(1987) / Proceed. Ac.Sci.USSR, Ser. Biophys., v.295, p.1240-1243 (1987).
O.D. Lavrentovich, Filling of space by flexible smectic layers, Mol.Cryst. & LiquidCryst., v.151, p.417-424 (1987).
O.D. Lavrentovich,E.M. Terntjev, "Phase transitions altering the symmetry of topological point defects (hedgehogs) in a nematic liquid crystal." Zhurn.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.,v.91, p.2084-2096 (1986)/ JETP, v.64, p.1237-1244 (1986).
O.D. Lavrentovich, "Hierarchy of defect structures in space filling byflexible smectic A layers." Zhurn.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., v.91, p.1666-1676 (1986)/JETP,v.64, p.984-990 (1986).
O.D. Lavrentovich, "Hyperbolic monopole in a smectic C liquid crystal." Pis'maZhurn. Eksp.Teor.Fiz., v.43, 297-299 (1986)/ JETP lett., v.43, p.382-385 (1986).
How to observe the monopole, M.V. Kurik and O.D. Lavrentovich, Priroda (Nature),No 12, p.55-61 (1986).
O.D. Lavrentovich, Yu.A. Nastishin, "Division of drops of a liquid crystal in the case of a cholesteric-to-smectic A phase transition." JETP Lett., v.40, p.1015-1019 (1984).
G.E. Volovik, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Topological dynamics of defects: boojums in nematic drops." Zhurn.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., v.85, p.1997-2010 (1983)/JETP, v.58, p.1159-1167 (1983).
M.V. Kurik, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Monopole structures and shape of smectic C droplets."Zhurn.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., v.85, p.511-526 (1983)/JETP, v. 58, p.299-307 (1983).
M.V. Kurik, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Negative-positive monopole transitions in cholesteric liquid crystals." Pis'ma Zhurn.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., v. 35, 362-365 (1982) / JETP Lett., v.35, p.444-447 (1982).
Reviews of books and conferences
Liquid Crystal Displays: Fundamental Physics and Technology, by Robert H. Chen, Review by O.D. Lavrentovich, Mol. Cryst. Liquid Cryst., 562, 293-295 (2012).
Conference on Dynamics and Defects in Liquid Crystals - HonoringAlfred Saupe, O.D. Lavrentovich, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 292, R7-R11 (1997).
The Physics of Liquid Crystals, Second Edition by P.G. de Gennes and J. Prost, Review by O.D. Lavrentovich, Liquid Crystals Today, v.4,No.3, p.7 (1994).
IUPAC Recommendations on Basic Terms Relating to Liquid Crystals
"Definitions of Basic Terms Relating to Low-Molar-Mass and Polymer Liquid Crystals," Working Group: C. Noel, V.P. Shibaev, M. Baron, M. Hess, A.D. Jenkins, Jung-Il Jin, A. Sirigu, R.F.T. Stepto, W.J. Work, with contributions from G.R. Luckhurst, S. Chandrasekhar, D. Demus, G.W. Gray, S.T. Lagerwall, O.D. Lavrentovich, M. Schadt, IUPAC Recommendations 2001, Pure and Applied Chemistry 73, No.5, pp.845-895 (2001).
Chapters in books written
H.-S. Park, O.D. Lavrentovich, CARS microscopy studies of liquid crystals, p. 457-478, in: Coherent Raman Scattering Microscopy, Edited by J.-X. Cheng and X. Sunney Xie; CRC Press/Taylor & Frances Group (2012)
O.D. Lavrentovich, Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy, in: Characterization of Materials, Edited by Elton N. Kaufmann; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey (2012).
H.-S. Park, O.D. Lavrentovich, Lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals: Emerging applications, Chapter 14, p. 449-484, in: Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays, Edited by Quan Li, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey (2012).
Y. Yin, S.V. Shiyanovskii, O.D. Lavrentovich, Fast switching of nematic liquid crystals by an electric field: Effects of dielectric relaxation on the director and thermal dynamics, Chapter 10, p. 277-295, in: Thermotropic Liquid Crystals, Edited by A. Ramamoorthy, Springer, Dordrecht (2007)
O.D. Lavrentovich, Lliquid crystals, In Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, v.3, p. 320-328, Edited by J.-P. Francoise, G.L. Naber, S.T. Tsou; Oxford, Elsevier (2006)
I.I. Smalyukh, O.D. Lavrentovich, Defects, surface anchoring, and three-dimensional director fields in the lamellar structure of cholesteric liquid crystals as studied by fluorescence confocal polarizing microscopy, p. 205-250, in: Topology in Condensed Matter, Edited by M. Monastyrsky, Springer, Berlin (2006)
M. Kleman, O.D. Lavrentovich, and Yu.A. Nastishin, Dislocations and Disclinations in Mesomorphic Phases, Chapter 66, p. 147-271, in: Dislocations in Solids, Volume 12, Edited by F.R.N. Nabarro a nd J .P. Hirth (ISBN: 0-444-51483-X), Elsevier Sciences B.V. (2004)
O.D. Lavrentovich, Defects in Liquid Crystals: Surface and Interfacial Anchoring Effects, In: Patterns of Symmetry Breaking, H. Arodz, J. Dziarmaga, and W.H. Zurek (eds.), NATO Science Series, II. Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, vol. 127, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, pp. 161-195 (2003).
O.D. Lavrentovich, "Fluorescence Confocal Polarizing Microscopy:Three-Dimensional Imaging of the Director," in Liquid Crystals and Other Soft Materials, B.K. Sadashiva, Ed., Indian Acad. Sci.,Tholasi Prints India: Bangalore, reprinted from Pramana - Journal of Physics61, No.2, 373-384 August (2003).
T. Ishikawa, O.D.Lavrentovich, "Quantitative Aspects of Defects in Nematics," in Physical Properties of Liquid Crystals: Nematics, D.A. Dunmur, A. Fukuda, G.R. Luckhurst, Eds., EMIS Data Reviews Series; No. 25, INSPEC, The Institution of Electrical Engineers: London, UK, pp. 242-250 (2001).
O.D. Lavrentovich, M. Kleman, "Defects and Topology of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals," in Chirality in Liquid Crystals, 5, Springer Verlag: New York (2001).
S.V. Shiyanovskii, I.I. Smalyukh, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Computer Simulations and Fluorescence Confocal Polarizing Microscopy of Structures in Cholesteric Liquid Crystals," in Defects in Liquid Crystals: Computer Simulations, Theory and Experiment, O.D. Lavrentovich, P. Pasini, C. Zannoni, S. Zumer, Eds., pp.229-270, Kluwer Academic Publishers: The Netherlands (2001).
T. Ishikawa, O.D.Lavrentovich, "Defects and Undulations in Layered Liquid Crystals," in Defects in Liquid Crystals: Computer Simulations, Theory and Experiment, O.D. Lavrentovich, P. Pasini, C. Zannoni, S. Zumer, Eds., pp. 271-301, Kluwer Academic Publishers: The Netherlands (2001).
O.D. Lavrentovich, "Nematic Liquid Crystals: Defects," in Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Elsevier Science Ltd., p. 6071-6076 (2001).
O.D. Lavrentovich,V.M. Pergamenshchik "Patterns and Divergence ("surface-like") Elasticity in Thin Liquid Crystalline Films," Liquid Crystals In the Nineties and Beyond, S. Kumar, Ed, pp. 251-299, World Scientific: Singapore, and in article, Int.J.Mod.Phys. B, 9, No.18-19, 2389-2437 (1995).
Ph. Boltenhagen,M. Kleman, O.D. Lavrentovich, "Focal Conic Domains in Smectics," in Soft Order in Physical Systems, Y. Rabin,R. Bruinsma, Eds., p.5-32, Plenum Press: New York, (1994).
Professional Appointments
Liquid Crystal Institute and Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program, 麻豆视频最新最全 University, July 2003-2011
Professor of Chem. Phys.
Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program, July 2000-2011
Associate Prof., Chem. Phys.
Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program, 1994-2000
Visiting Director of Research; Invited Researcher
CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientific, France), Laboratoire de Min茅ralogie et Cristallographie de Paris, Universit茅 Pierre et Marie Curie, France, June 1999, July-Aug. 1996
Invited Professor
Universit茅 Denis-Diderot (Paris VII), France, June-Aug.1998, May-June 1997, May-June 1995
Senior Research Fellow; Director of Characterization Facilities
Liquid Crystal Institute, 麻豆视频最新最全 University, 1992-present
Visiting Researcher
CNRS, Universit茅 Paris-Sud, Orsay, France, 1991-1992
Researcher, PhD Advisor
Institute of Physics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, 1980-1990
Professional Record, Awards, Honors
- 2012, Doctor Honoris Causa, Institute for Condensed Matter Physics, National Academy of Ukraine
- 2010, Outstanding Referee, American Physical Society journals
- 2007, Distinguished Scholar Award, 麻豆视频最新最全 University
- 2005, Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on Liquid Crystals
- 2004, International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE) Fellow
- 2004-2008, Advisor of the 麻豆视频最新最全 University Materials Research Society Student Chapter
- 2003-present, e-LC (Electronic Liquid Crystals), Editorial Board Member
- 2003-2009, Physical Review E, Editorial Board Member
- 2003, Advisor Excellence Award for advising the 麻豆视频最新最全 University鈥檚 SPIE Student Chapter
- International Society for Optical Engineering, KSU 25th students honors and leadership awards ceremony, April 21, 2003
- 2002, NorTech Innovation Award for liquid crystal-based biodetection technology
- 2002-present, Advisor of the 麻豆视频最新最全 University SPIE Student Chapter http://dept.kent.edu/spie/
- 2001. Contributor to IUPAC Recommendations on Basic Terms in Low-Molar-Mass and Polymer Liquid Crystals, Pure and Applied Chemistry 73, 845-895 (2001).
- 1987, Gold medal of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences with an Award for a young researcher for the work "Defects of Dirac monopole type in liquid crystals"
PhD Thesis Advisor
- Vasyl V. Sergan (Electrooptics of dispersed liquid crystals, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Academy of Sciences, Ukraine, 1989; now Assist. Professor, California State University, Sacramento, CA);
- Yurii A. Nastishin (Equilibrium topological defects in liquid crystals, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Academy of Sciences, 1990; now Leading Scientist, Ukrainian Institute of Optics, Lviv, Ukraine);
- W. R. Folks (Light induced instabilities and defects in smectic liquid crystals, Physics, KSU, 1995; now Researcher at Univ. of Central Florida; School of Optics/CREOL);
- Vasyl G. Nazarenko (Surface polarization effects in liquid crystals, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Academy of Sciences, 1998; now Leading Scientist at Institute of Physics, Kiev, Ukraine);
- Tomohiro Ishikawa (Elasticity of defects and structures in uniaxial liquid crystals, Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program, KSU, 2000; now Researcher at Motorola);
- Dmitry Voloschenko (Photoinduced aggregation in cholesteric liquid crystals, Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program, KSU, 2001; now Researcher at Motorola);
- Ivan Smalukh (Three-dimensional director fields studied by fluorescence confocal polarizing microscopy, Chemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program, KSU, April 1, 2003, now Postdoctoral Fellow at Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Illinois);
- Nadina Georgiou (Pattern formation in electrohydrodynamic convection of a nematic liquid crystal Physics, co-advisor with J. T. Gleeson, Physics, KSU, May 2003);
- Tod Schneider, Nanostructuring Chromonic Lyotropic Liquid Crystals, Chemical Physics, May 2005, now Researcher at Kent Displays, Inc.;
- Hui Liu, Optical Characterization of Lyotropic Chromonic Liquid Crystals, defended June 2, 2006
- Ye Yin, Dielectric relaxation and electrooptical effects in nematic liquid crystals, PhD in Chemical Physics, KSU, Spring 2007 (Researcher, Apple, Inc., CA)
- Mingxia Gu, Effects of dielectric relaxation on director dynamics in uniaxial nematic liquid crystals, PhD in Chemical Physics, KSU, 2009 (Researcher, Apple, Inc., CA)
- Oleg Pishnyak, New electro-optical applications of liquid crystals: From beam steering devices and tunable lenses to negative refraction and field-induced dynamics of colloids, PhD in Chemical Physics, KSU, 2009 (Researcher, Kent Displays, Inc.).
- Heung-Shik Park, Self-assembly of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals: Effects of additives and applications, PhD in Chemical Physics, KSU, Fall 2010 (Principal Engineer, LCD Research Center Samsung Display Co., Ltd., South Korea).
- Bohdan Senyuk, Dielectric response of liquid crystals formed by bent-core and chiral molecules, PhD in Chemical Physics, KSU, Fall 2010 (Currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Colorado, Boulder).
- Hugh Wonderly, Master of Sciences, Fall 2010.
Professional Societies
Fellow of SPIE (International Society of Optical Imaging and Engineering), Member of American Physical Society, International Liquid Crystal Society, Materials Research Society; American Association for the Advancement of Science.