Laura Bartolo
Center for Materials Informatics
Professor and Director
Office Location:
036 Science Research Building
Academic Appointments
- 2008 – Present: Professor and Director, Center for Materials Informatics, College of Arts & Sciences, Â鶹ÊÓƵ×îÐÂ×îÈ« University
- 2005 – Present: Professor, Materials Informatics Lab, College of Arts & Sciences, Â鶹ÊÓƵ×îÐÂ×îÈ« University
- 2001 – 2005: Associate Professor, College of Arts & Sciences, Â鶹ÊÓƵ×îÐÂ×îÈ« University
- 1998 – 2001: Associate Professor, Libraries & Media Services, Â鶹ÊÓƵ×îÐÂ×îÈ« University
- 1996 – 2002: Senior Research Investigator, Center for Advanced Liquid Crystalline Optical Materials
- 1992 – 1998: Assistant Professor, Libraries & Media Services, Â鶹ÊÓƵ×îÐÂ×îÈ« University
Selected Awards and Grants
- Sept 2008 – Aug 2011, NSF - Collaborative Research: Recurring Patterns in Molecular Science: Reusable Learning Resources Co-PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- Sept 2008 – Feb 2010, NSF - Open Efforts for Computational Materials Research & Education: A NSDL MatDL & TMS Pilot Working Together with the Materials Community PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- Jan 2007 – June 2008, NSF - Collaborative Research: Interdisciplinary Virtual Labs for Undergraduate Education in the NSDL MatDL Co-PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- Sept 2005 – Aug 2009, NSF - NSDL Materials Digital Library Pathway PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- July 2004 – July 2005, NSF - Materials Digital Library Supplement Funding Request PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- Sept 2003 – Aug 2005, NSF - Materials Digital Library: MatDL.org PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- June 2003 – July 2004, NIST - An MSEL Materials Repository PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- Sept 2001 – Aug 2003, NSF - Green’s Functions Research & Education Enhancement Network Co-PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- Jan 2002 – Dec 2003, NIST - Information Management and Multidisciplinary Scientific Working Groups PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- Jan 2001 – Jan 2002, Ohio Dept of Development - Center for Advanced Liquid Crystalline Optical Materials Co-PI: L.M. Bartolo (One of 30 PIs).
- Jan 2000 – Jan 2001, OBR - Research Challenge A Model for Sharing Multidisciplinary Scientific Research Co-PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- Jan 1998 – Dec 1999, OBR - Research Challenge Information Gateway for Storage, Transfer, and Utility of Scientific Information PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- Oct 1999, NIST - Development of Green’s Functions Library-Generation 2 for Advanced Materials and Collaboration PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- 1996 – 2000, NIST - Information Dynamics in the ALCOM/NIST Phase Separation/Heterogeneous Structures Project PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- Sept 1998 – Aug 2000, NSF - School Based Remote Experiments on the Web Co-PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- Sept 1994 – Aug 1997, NSF - Science and Math on the Net Co-PI: L.M. Bartolo.
- A&S 4/5/70095, BSCI 4/5/70195 & CS 4/5/79995 Introduction to Bioinformatics
- A&S 4/5/70095, LSCI Law across the Disciplines
Selected Publications
- Bartolo, L.M., Osman, T.M., Hunt, W.H. (2009). Open Efforts for Computational Materials Research & Education: A NSDL MatDL & TMS Pilot with the Materials Community. Journal of Materials Education (in press).
- Bartolo, L.M., Glotzer, S.C., Lowe, C.S., Powell, A.C., Sadoway, D.R., Warren, DJ, Teary, V, Kane, NJ and Raja, AK. (2008). Materials informatics: Facilitating the integration of data-driven materials research with education. Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 60(3), 51-52. Available at DOI: 10.1007/s11837-008-0033-z
- Yaron, D.J., Davenport, J.L., Karabinos, M., Leinhardt, G.L., Bartolo, L.M., Portman,J.J., Lowe, C.S., Sadoway, D.R., Carter, W.C., and Ashe, C. (2008). Cross-Disciplinary molecular science education in introductory science courses: An NSDL MatDL collection. Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, (pp. 70-73). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. (ACM). Available at:
- Bartolo, L.M., Lowe, C.S., Krafft, D.B., & Tandy, R.J. (2007). NSDL MatDL: Adding context to bridge materials e-research and e-education. In L. Vovacs, N. Fuhr, and C. Meghini (Eds.), Proceeding of the 11th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL) (pp. 499-500). Springer-Verlag.
- Bartolo, L.M., Lowe, C.S., Ruscheinski, J., & Bisom, D. (2007). Cooperative collection building in NSDL MatDL Pathway through Ivia Data Fountains. Proceedings of the 7th ACM>IEEE-CS Joint Conferences on Digital Libraries, (p. 473). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. (ACM).
- Bartolo, L.M., Krane, M.J.M., & Powell, A.C. (2007) NSDL Materials Digital Library Pathway, Transport Phenomena, & TMS Partnership. Spotlight article published on Materials Technology & TMS Education Community: Front Page. Available at http://materialstechnology.tms.org/TECarticle.asp?articleID=905
- Bartolo, L.M., Lowe, C.S. (2006). NSDL Materials Digital Library Pathway: Hub for materials education and research. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 69th Annual Meeting. Austin, TX USA.
- Bartolo, L.M., & Lowe, C.S., Glotzer, S.C., Iacovella, C.R. (2006) Development of a wiki-based, expert community-driven nanosystem vocabulary. Proceedings of the Dublin Core Conference Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico.
- Bartolo, L.M., & Lowe, C.S., Glotzer, S.C., Iacovella, C.R. (2006) Scientific research groups, digital libraries, & education: Metadata from nanoscale simulation code. Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (p. 348). Chapel Hill, NC USA. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. (ACM)
- Powell, A.C., & Bartolo, L.M. (2006) The Transport Phenomena Archive on the NSDL Materials Digital Library Pathway. Journal of Materials Education Vol. 28 (1): 91-98.
- Bartolo, L.M., Gloter, S.C., Lowe, C.S., Powell, A.C., Sadoway, D.R., Warren, J.A., Tewary, V.K., & Rajan, K. (2006). NSF NSDL Materials Digital Library & MSE education. Journal of Materials Education Vol. 28 (1): 21-26.
- Bartolo, L.M., Cole, T.W., Giersch, S., & Wright, M. (2005). NSF/NSDL Workshop on Scientific Markup Languages. D-Lib Magazine, Vol 11(11). Available: doi:10.1045/november2005-bartolo
- Bartolo, L.M., Lowe, C.S. Sadoway, D.R., Powell, A.C., & Glotzer, S.C. (2005). NSDL MatDL: Exploring digital library roles. D-Lib Magazine, Vol 11(3). Available at:
- Bartolo, L.M., Lowe, C.S., Feng, L.Z., & Patter, B. (2004). MatDL: Integrating digital libraries into scientific practice. Journal of Digital Information: Special Issue Digital Repositories, Vol. 5 issue 3 Article 297 2004-08-23. Available at:
Selected Presentations
- Bartolo, L.M. (2009, February). Co-organizer of Symposium on Progress in Computational Materials Science and Engineering Education. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA USA.
- Bartolo, L.M. (2009, February). NSDL MatDL’s MatForge: Open Efforts for Computational Materials Research and Education. Presented as part of the Symposium on Open Source Tools for Materials Research and Engineering. Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA USA.
- Bartolo, L.M. (August 2008). Improving student learning using the World Wide Web. PI led workshop session at the Conference of the Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Program, Washington, DC USA. (invited presentation)
- Bartolo, L.M. (2007, November) Co-organizer of Symposium W, Forum on Materials Science and Engineering Education for 2020. Materials Research Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA USA.
- Bartolo, L.M. (2006, October). Materials Research Groups, Digital Libraries, & Education: Metadata from Nanoscale Simulation Code. Presented at the 20th International CODATA Conference. Beijing, China.
- Bartolo, L.M. (2006, August) Presented as part of an NSF sponsored workshop entitled From Cyberinfrastructure to Cyberdiscovery in Materials Science: Enhancing outcomes in materials research, education and outreach, Arlington, VA USA.
- Bartolo, L.M. (2006, October). Materials Research Groups, Digital Libraries, & Education: Metadata from Nanoscale Simulation Code. Presented at the 20th International CODATA Conference. Beijing, China.
- Bartolo, L.M, (2006, October). Facilitating Connections between Materials Research and Education. Presented as part of the Workshop on Material Data/Metadata Markup - Integration and Syndication of Material Databases (Co-Chairs: Laura Bartolo & Toshihiro Ashino) at the 20th International CODATA Conference. Beijing, China.
- Bartolo, L.M., Lowe, C.S., Glotzer, S.C., & Iacovella, C.R. (2006, October). Building Collaborative Tools on the NSDL Data Repository: Possibilities with the MatDL Soft Matter Wiki. Presented as part of a panel at the National Science Digital Library Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. USA.
M.I.L.S., State University of New York at Buffalo, 1979
B.A., John Carroll University, 1973
B.A., John Carroll University, 1973
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Library Association
- American Society for Information Science & Technology
- Association for Computing Machinery
- International Liquid Crystal Society
- Materials Research Society
- The Minerals Materials Information Society
- The Minerals Information Society
- The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society