
COST Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I am a good candidate for COST?

The best answer to that question is to ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I flexible and open-minded?
  • Can I tolerate ambiguity?
  • Am I outgoing, or at least confident and comfortable in new situations?
  • How do I cope with stress?
  • Have I had any international or intercultural experiences in my past that I can reflect upon?
  • Am I reflective? Am I willing to learn in this situation? Will I work to bring this experience back home?

And, check out the Before you apply page to dig deeper on these questions.


How much does COST cost?

Students report that participating in COST versus student teaching locally costs $3,000-$5,000 more. You will pay your KSU tuition for student teaching as usual and you can still receive any financial aid that you qualify for as a KSU student; additionally you can apply for scholarships for study abroad. Costs associated with the program include flight, passport, visa, room and board, general living necessities, sightseeing, etc.

For budgeting purposes, please see the .

Will I be safe?

Traveling can involve adventure and risk. Our COST students have enjoyed numerous successful and safe student teaching and travel adventures in many different countries in many different settings. While there are no guarantees for safety, the best way to be safe is to prepare.

Emergency health and safety information

Will I be able to complete all of my coursework and assignments while student teaching abroad?

Yes! KSU requirements and licensing requirements are embedded in the overseas student teaching program. You will complete your program in the same time as if you decided to student teach locally. The professional seminar that frequently occurs during student teaching will be completed online.


Where will I live and how will I do meals? How do I get to my school?

Part of the COST commitment is to identify housing with meal arrangements; room and board expenses are paid by the student. Transportation to the school is arranged through personal transport, public bus, and/or is a neighborhood walk.


How do I prepare for such a big commitment and adventure?

COST has developed a resource entitled the Pre-Departure Guide and helps you navigate that with a checklist and helpful links:


What do I do if I want to student teach in a country where there is not a COST partnership?

Currently, the only sites available through COST are those listed on the website. While COST welcomes new overseas placements, for planning purposes you can only consider those programs currently on the .