Evaluation Types
Program evaluation comes in many formats, most notably as formative and/or summative evaluations.
Formative and summative evaluations differ regarding evaluation goals and associated evaluation questions.

Evaluation Type
- Identify your evaluation type:
- Formative - ongoing; feedback for involvement (if formative, proceed to step 2)
- Summative - conclusions at end of project or period (if summative, proceed to step 3)
- Formative Evaluation
- Process questions to be answered:
- Is the process and program implementation being followed according to specifications?
- What are the strengths and challenges of the program?
- Outcome questions to be answered:
- To what extent are outcomes being reached throughout the program?
- What adjustments do we need to make in order to reach our outcomes?
- Process questions to be answered:
- Summative Evaluation
- Process questions to be answered:
- What are the best practices derived from the program?
- Outcome questions to be answered:
- To what extent were outcomes reached?
- What was the value of the project?
- Process questions to be answered: