Our Values

The Exploratory Advising Center empowers students to engage in meaningful and experience-driven self-discovery, leading to confidence in their future!
We value:
- Validating and celebrating the uniqueness of each student
- Relationship-building and authentic conversations
- Openness to learning and curiosity
- Building resiliency and confidence in decision-making
- Being present in the now and being open to future possibilities
Is Exploratory for you?
Our program could be a good fit if any of the following apply:
- Undecided in your majors of interest
- Looking to take time to make an informed decision
- Gain a better understanding of yourself
- Discover different career possibilities
- Build confidence in decision making
How undecided are you?

Whether you are undecided, ready to declare a major or somewhere in between, we are here to help you at any point along your Exploratory journey.