
Personal Information - Social Media and Online Accounts

Most people today have at least one social media account, and chances are you have shared information about yourself and your activities on that platform. Whether it be Instagram, Facebook, or even LinkedIn, sharing information on these platforms means that anyone with access to your profile can see it. If your profile is public, then anyone (including scammers) can keep track of your profile and look for your name, where you live, where you work, who your friends are, and where you live. These, and many more details, can all be used against you in scams.

Remember: even if you don鈥檛 share these details in text, pictures of yourself can reveal them inadvertently. For example, you post a picture of yourself standing outside of your house next to your new car. A scammer monitoring your profile now knows what your house looks like and can approximate where you live. They also know what you look like, what kind of vehicle you drive, and even your license plate. All of that from a single photo!

The best way to prevent scammers from obtaining your information in this way is to limit who can see your profile on social media. Restrict access to only a close group of trusted people. It is also recommended to avoid sharing sensitive information online, so avoid posting pictures or messages that could reveal details about yourself that you do not want others to know.