
JMC Celebrates 2013 National Honor Society Inductees

Twenty students were inducted into the national honor society and top scholar named.

Estee Hodge named top scholar

Twenty juniors and seniors were inducted into Kappa Tau Alpha (KTA), the national honor society for journalism and mass communication, and a senior electronic media major was honored as JMC's top scholar at a ceremony held during Student Success Week.

KTA recognizes academic excellence and promotes scholarship in journalism and mass communication. Students are inducted as lifetime members. Only the top 10 percent of each class are eligible for induction. Former JMC director and professor Jeff Fruit, a KTA member and JMC's KTA advisor, presided at the induction ceremony and told students, "KTA is a pretty exclusive club. It is the only honor society dedicated to journalism and mass communication. Induction is a signal that you are the cream of the crop at JMC and sends a good signal to future employers. JMC pays the entrance fee for each of you and not every college does -- because we value this academic distinction. You make us look good."

As he administered the KTA pledge, Fruit explained that the honor society originated at the University of Missouri in 1910 as a way to recognize students of "unusual achievement" in journalism and mass communication. "KTA relates to the English words knowledge, truth and accuracy, which are your responsibilities as journalists and communicators." Professor Fran Collins, also a KTA member, assisted in the presentation of KTA certificates and gold key pins to the inductees.

During the ceremony, graduating senior, Estee Chase-Hodge, was honored as JMC's top scholar for 2013, based on grade point average. She received a plaque and medallion.

JMC director Thor Wasbotten opened the ceremony by noting, "This has been a tremendous week for JMC students, and at this ceremony we have the opportunity to recognize students whose academic standing places them at the top of the school."

This year's KTA inductees are:

  • Katherine Boetger

  • Raven Brinson

  • Alexandria Cihlar

  • Marissa Decker

  • Rebecca Dickson

  • Audrey Fletcher

  • Kristine Graves

  • Jennifer Hawk

  • Emily Hook

  • Devin Hennessy

  • Brandon Koziol

  • Meagan Lawton

  • Kelsey Leyva

  • Alyssa Morlacci

  • Grace Murray

  • Benjamin Neiger

  • Daniel Nelsen

  • Lori Remaker

  • Douglas Rogers

POSTED: Tuesday, May 7, 2013 04:33 PM
Updated: Saturday, December 3, 2022 01:02 AM
School of Journalism and Mass Communication