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Can't Keep Creativity Down: Associate Spotlight on Beth Martens

P1 Group talented associates

“I’m pretty sure I have creative Attention Deficit Disorder because I want to do it all.”  These are the words of Marketing Proposal Specialist Beth Martens, and while those who know her work would never call it a “disorder”, we think she just might be able to do it all.

Creativity is in Beth’s blood, coming from an artistic family. Her mom was a professional seamstress, which is where Beth mastered the art of sewing and fabric. This skill set has ultimately made Beth the P1 Group Marketing Department’s swag guru, where she has significantly improved our promotional apparel capabilities.

However, her true passion begins, and ends, with illustration. “I have always liked to draw,” Beth said. “I was awarded 2nd place at the Missouri State High School Art Show my senior year and went on to the University of Kansas to pursue a degree in Visual Communications.”

Although she had to leave after three years due to financial hardship, Beth began another of her life’s greatest projects: Her family.

“I got married and started a family, then went to work for Gear for Sports in the QA department because I had sewing experience and knowledge of fabric,” Beth explained.

With more creative support from her brothers, one a movie visual effects professional and prominent sculptor, and the other a professional painter (of the fine arts variety), Beth got even more into design.

“I started producing a small children’s magazine through my church,” Beth said. “I did all of the illustrations and my brother taught me Quark and Photoshop so I could do the layout.”

Over the years, Beth has had a series of jobs, from layout artist to working at Target. When the 2008 financial crisis hit, Beth found herself needing a more financially viable job to help support her family, and that’s how she found P1.

“My son played baseball with P1 Group Executive Vice President Phil Nehring’s son, and my husband and I became friends with Phil and his wife Rebecca,” Beth said. “Phil talked about what a great company P1 was, and encouraged me to try to get a job there, so I watched the openings for a while.”

In 2012, a service coordinator job opened up and Beth took the opportunity. “I enjoyed working with the techs and learned to really respect the job they do, and I think I got to be a decent dispatcher,” Beth said.

But every creative knows a good creative can’t be kept down, and Beth’s eye was always on the Marketing side of P1, hoping to join the department and bring her creativity to the table.

“I had this creative side that just wasn’t being fulfilled, and I really missed using those creative skills in my day-to-day job,” she said. When a position opened up in Marketing in spring 2019, Beth applied, and the rest is history.

B Martens artworkAccording to Marketing + Communications Manager Victoria Hoffman, Beth has been an asset to the Marketing department in multiple ways.

“Bringing Beth into Marketing has not only given the department the benefit of her artistic creativity, but also a stronger connection between Marketing and Service,” Victoria said.

“Beth’s relationships with the service techs she worked with over the years have paved the way for more collaboration between Marketing and Service.”

Fine art is what you’ll catch Beth doing during most of her free time. Her favorite mediums include illustration, watercolor, and dimensional “found” metal art.

“I started out drawing with pencil and colored pencils. During my second go at college, I started working with watercolors and really enjoyed that,” Beth said.

“I have always had a fascination for metal art. I went to Sedona Arizona and was just amazed at this large horse sculpture that was made entirely out of found/junk items,” Beth recalls. “I started picking up metal pieces around the office and have created several pieces.”

“I create things for which I’m passionate about the subject matter. I’ve enjoyed portraiture, and I’ve discovered a love for painting architecture,” Beth said. “I enjoyed traveling to England so I like all things British. I also like painting flowerpots - I love a good terra cotta pot! I do some pet portraits and I love drawing children.”

At the end of the day, Beth always returns to her two basic favorites.

“I love working in watercolor. It’s quick and fresh and you can get some nice effects once you understand the medium. I love the transparency of the paint and the way it spreads and flows on the paper,” Beth said. “Of course my first love is pencil drawing and I will always keep doing that.”

P1 Group is glad to have benefited from Beth’s many talents, from dispatch to marketing, and we look forward to seeing more in the years to come.

P1 Group family first

Beth’s brother Ken, has done some pretty well-known sculptures, three of which are prominently displayed around Lawrence, KS: The mascot for the Haskell Indian University which sits at the entrance; the mascot for the Free State High School on the high school campus; and a sculpture of Langston Hughes at the Langston Hughes Library for Children.

Jayhawk sculpture

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