Maxim Dzero
Office Hours:
Monday, 3 p.m. or by appointment
My research activities are in theoretical condensed matter physics. My main interest is the investigation of strongly correlated quantum mechanical many body systems, particularly their new collective behavior emerging due to competing interactions. Employing the tools of quantum statistical mechanics of many body systems, I am analyzing analytically and numerically phenomena such as superconductivity, quantum phase transitions, magnetism, disordered systems and non-equilibrium dynamics of glassy systems.
Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities
Selected Publications
- Maxim Dzero, Kai Sun, Victor Galitski and Piers Coleman, "Topological Kondo Insulators", Physical Review Letters 104, 106408 (2010)
- Marianna Maltseva, M. Dzero and P. Coleman, "Electron Cotunneling into a Kondo Lattice", Physical Review Letters 103, 206402(2009)
- M. Dzero, E. A. Yuzbashyan and B. L. Altshuler,"Cooper pair turbulence in atomic Fermi gases", Europhysics Letters 85, 20004 (2008).
- Rebecca Flint, M. Dzero and P. Coleman, "Heavy electrons and the symplectic symmetry of spin", Nature Physics 4, 643 (2008)
- M. Dzero, E. A. Yuzbashyan, B. L. Altshuler and P. Coleman, "Spectroscopic signatures of nonequilibrium superfluidity in atomic Fermi gases", Physical Review Letters 99, 160402 (2007)
- E. A. Yuzbashyan and M. Dzero, "Dynamical vanishing of the order parameter in a fermionic condensate", Physical Review Letters 96, 230404 (2006)
- M. Dzero, J. Schmalian and P. Wolynes, "Activated events in glasses: the structure of entropic droplets", Physical Review B72 (Rapid Communication) 100201 (2005)
- M. Dzero, J. Schmalian, "Superconductivity in charge Kondo systems", Physical Review Letters 94, 157003 (2005)
- Maxim Dzero, Lev P. Gor'kov, "Breakup of a Stoner model for the 2D ferromagnetic quantum critical point", Physical Review B69, 092501 (2004)
Courses Teaching
Spring 2015
- PHY 45301 - 001 Thermal Physics
- PHY 55301 - 001 Thermal Physics
- PHY 80098 - 006 Research
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Strongly correlated electronic systems
Strongly correlated electronic systems