Quick Tip: View Individual Students’ Grades

POSTED: Mar. 06, 2025

In this series focused on Gradebook tips, tricks, and tools, we’ve spent a lot of time outside the Gradebook looking at related settings within the Assignments and Settings pages.

Now that we’ve covered the initial setup of your Canvas grades, let’s shift into looking at some of the tips and tools that are helpful in performing the actual work of grading.

How to View Individual Students’ Grades

We often hear from instructors who are curious what the Gradebook looks like for their students. But many don’t realize that instructors can pull up a specific student’s grades page to see exactly what their individual students are seeing.  This is helpful for many reasons, including: 1) to double-check that grades are calculating the way you think they are, 2) to view how Canvas is calculating the running total and category subtotals, and 3) to view with a student during office hours.

Here’s how to pull up a single student’s grades:

  1. Navigate to the Gradebook in your Canvas course.
  2. Click on a student’s name.  A panel will pop out on the right.

    Canvas Gradebook: Student name


  3. Click the Grades button.    

    Canvas Gradebook: Detail tray


  4. You will see the gradebook view for the student you selected.  

    Canvas Grades: Student view


Bonus Tip: If you only need to see the total points earned / total points possible for a specific student, you can click on their Total in your regular gradebook view.  When you click on the total cell, a pop-up will appear with this information.  Remember that the points possible may differ from student to student based on what submissions/grades they currently have (any grades left blank will not factor into a student’s running total).

Canvas Gradebook: View student's points earned out of points possible


Keep an eye out for next week’s Quick Tip, where we will discuss Gradebook Viewing Options.  

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