
Recent Theses and Dissertations


Sarah Nock (2024) Genetic exchange in a primate radiation: X-chromosome introgression among guenons (Tosi)

Michael Bliss (2024) Identifying Ateles geoffroyi individuals noninvasively using third-generation sequencing technologies (Takeshita) 

Hannah Maycon (2024) Dopaminergic innervation within the amygdala among human and nonhuman primates (Raghanti)

Andrew Smith (2023) Artifact evolution: Does size matter in reductive manufacturing? (Eren)

Julie Lierenz (2023) Dead reckoning: Theory of mind and the perception of human remains (Spurlock)

Eric Galligan (2023) A quantitative analysis of corked vs. solid wood baseball bats- swing speed and durability (Eren)

Lawrence Mukusha (2023) An experimental microwear approach for understanding microscopic 'length-wise' striations on clovis lithic points (Eren)

Megan Muniak (2022) Determining which anatomical regions of the face are most important for facial recognition (Spurlock)

Anna Mika (2022) What makes the cut: The influence of form on clovis knife cutting efficiency (Eren)

Daniel Wilcox (2022) Understanding the shift from soapstone to pottery in eastern North America during the Late Archaic and Early Woodland Period: An experimental approach (Bebber)

Roxanne Steinmuller (2021) Neuron and glial density changes across the lifespan in humans and chimpanzees (Raghanti)

Samantha Magrini (2021) Bone Growth: The wake of the growth plate? (Spurlock)

Samuel Thomas (2021) Adventure in the classroom: An ethnographic study of the Expedition Academy (Fotiou)

Damon Mullen (2021) Comparison of maximum forces required to penetrate ballistics gelatin, meat, and clay to assess variation among target mediums in arrow penetration studies (Bebber)

Kayla Metzger (2021) An examination of chronic alcoholism and bone pathology in the Hamann-Todd human osteological collection (Spurlock)

Michael Wilson (2021) Thermoplastic vs. orgainc-based adhesives in experimental prehistoric ballistics weaponry testing (Eren)

Melia Romine (2020) Chitinase expression levels in the stomach of the aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) (Tosi)

Emma Janosik (2020) Does early manipulation of oxytocin influence serotonin innervation within the hippocampus? (Raghanti)

Heather Smith (2020) Rock music: The sounds of flintknapping (Eren)

James (Dusty) Norris (2020) Did stone raw material differences influence prehistoric tool-making? (Eren)

Alyssa Perrone (2020) An artifact of human behavior? Paleoindian endscraper breakage in Midwestern and Great Lakes North America (Eren)

Andy Martinez (2019) Living stories: An investigation of the perpetuation and importance of folk ballads in the North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains (Fotiou)

Kristen Hirter (2019) Neurochemical insights of human origins: A comparative analysis of dopaminergic axon innervation of the ventral striatum among primates (Raghanti)

Ashley Rutkoski (2019) An experimental approach to ceramic sherd variation (Eren)

Crystal Reedy (2019) Kids! On race; How teaching the evolutionary story of human skin color can challenge children to question arbitrary categories of "race" and the myth of white supremacy in grade school (Spurlock)

Corey Lowe (2018) An assessment of the suitability of machine made stone projectile points in ballistics experiments (Eren)

Gina Cherundolo (2018) A survey of ranging patterns and micro-habitat preference of Saguinus midas in Berg en Dal, Suriname (Norconk)

Stacy Leigh Deraway (2018) Insights into the evolution of language: A comparative analysis of dopaminergic innervation of thalamic nuclei among humans and primates (Raghanti)

Danielle Jones (2018) A comparison of serotonin transporter-immunoreactive axons in the amygdala among macaques (Raghanti)

Rachel Hamilla (2018) Orangutan health and behavior: Implications for nutrition in captivity (Raghanti)

Emily Brahler (2018) Hypovitaminosis D and associated mortality within the Hamann-Todd human osteological collection (Spurlock)

Troy Linebaugh (2018) Shamanism and the Greek mysteries: The Western imaginings of the "Primitive Other" (Feinberg)

Heather Lawrentz (2017) A comparative analysis of carpometacarpal joints four and five in various hominoid and cercopithecoid species (Lovejoy)

Cody Ruiz (2017) Y-chromosome introgression: An analysis of spermatogenesis genes between Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis (Tosi)

Sara Cole (2017) Ceremonial "killing" of Hopewell items recovered from redeposit pits in Mann Mound, Posey County, Indiana (Seeman)

Angelia Werner (2017) Experimental assessment of proximal-lateral edge grinding on haft damage using replicated clovis points (Eren)

Andrew Kramer (2017) The tales that teeth tell (Spurlock)

Michelle Bebber (2016) Understanding temper selection in the prehistoric ceramic sequence of the Scioto River valley, Ross county, Ohio (500 BC - AD 1400) (Spurlock)

Emily Munger (2016) Phenotypic pattern of astrocyte activation in response to aging and Alzheimer's-like pathology in chimpanzees (Raghanti)

Andrew Skrinyer (2016) Living on the edge: Habitat disturbance and primate use on the Osa peninsula (Norconk)

Gina Cirino (2015) American misconceptions about Australian Aboriginal Art (Feinberg)

Morgan Chaney (2015) Learning to live, or living to learn? Age-related differences in foraging behavior and the extended juvenility of Cebus capucinus (Norconk)

Alexa Stephenson (2015) Cholinergic innervation of the basal ganglia among human and nonhuman primate species (Raghanti)

Dexter Zirkle (2014) The development of the anterior inferior iliac spine: a comparative analysis in hominids and African apes (Lovejoy)

Ghassan Rafeedie (2014) Palestinian cultural experiences in the United States (Feinberg)

Matthew Buttacavoli (2014) An ethnographic study of translators and technology (Feinberg)

Amy Dupper (2013) Altered cortical calbindin-immunoreactive interneuron populations associated with schizophrenia (Raghanti)

Jennifer Kreierhoff (2013) Knuckle-walking signatures in hominoid scapulae (Lovejoy, Meindl)

Tatiana Bohush (2013) The reduction of experimental Paleoindian trianguloid end scrapers (Seeman)

Arioene U. Vreedzaam (2013) The feeding and behavioral ecology of black spider monkey subgroups (Ateles paniscus paniscus) in the context of illegal artisinal goldmining activities in the Brownsberg Nature Park, Suriname (Norconk)

Mitch Sumner (2013) Cross-species comparisons of the retrosplenial cortex in primates: through time and neuropil space (Raghanti)

Michael J. Veres (2012) The Saguwentje of Berg En Dal: A census of the golden handed tamarin in a lowland secondary forest in Suriname (Norconk)

Lindsey H. Meldrim (2012) Positive feedback loops and religious insularity: a case study of the Israelite House of David (Feinberg).

Eric S. Seemiller (2011) Selective pressures influencing color vision in neotropical primates(Norconk).

Chad Waffen (2011) Ohio's prehistoric settlement patterns in the western basin of Lake Erie during the Transitional Late Woodland and Late Prehistoric Periods (750 AD - 1450 AD): A GIS Analysis (Seeman)

Kristen E. Slattery (2011) A ground-penetrating radar imaging of Schoenbrunn Village archaeological site, Tuscarawas County, Ohio (Manahan).

Sarah K. Shaw (2011) Living in the liminal: a study of homelessness in Cleveland, Ohio (Feinberg).

Aaron Comstock (2011) A morphological analysis of end scrapers at Nobles pond (33ST357), a Gainey phase paleoindian site in northeast Ohio (Seeman).

Kelly Droney (2011) Evolution of Bmp5 enhancer in primates (Chiu).

Alana Muhlberger (2011) The evolution of monogamy: a phylogenetic approach (Norconk).

Stuart Nealis (2011) The effect of freshwater mussel consumption on dental wear during the Late Archaic period (Seeman).

Cathleen Pyrek (2011) The Vaeakau-Taumako wind compass: a cognitive construct for navigation in the Pacific (Feinberg).

Ridgely Dunn (2011) Challenging appropriation: modern Moko and Western subculture (Feinberg).

Aidan Ruth (2010) Foramen magnum position in Chiroptera (Lovejoy).

Henthorn, Eric (2010) The association of serum biomarkers with cardiac health in captive gorillas (Raghanti).



Emilee Hart (2024) Adrenarche, androgens, and acclimation: Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and the primate life history (Takeshita)

Danielle N. Jones (2023) A comparative analysis of monoamine oxidase enzymes and cannabinoid receptor 1 among primates (Raghanti)

Morgan Chaney (2023) Primates, poison, and cytochrome P450: Evolutionary dynamism of the CYP1-3 gene families within the primate order (Tosi)

Dexter Zirkle (2022) New diagnostics for bipedality: The hominin ilium displays landmarks of a modified growth trajectory (Lovejoy)

Emily L. Munger (2020) Alteration to astrocyte density and morphology across Mammalia with specific attention to primate brain evolution and aging (Raghanti)

Michelle Bebber (2019) The role of tool function in the decline of North America's old copper culture (6000-3000 BP): An evolutionary and experimental approach (Eren, Meindl)

Aidan Ruth (2017) Comparative anatomy of the anterior cruciate ligament and its associated structures in primates: A study of body size, bundle number, and bipedality (Lovejoy)

Melissa Edler (2016) Chimpanzees shed light on Alzheimer's disease pathology in humans (Raghanti; Neuroscience)

Michael Selby (2012) Evolution of the hominid forelimb skeleton from Miocene to present (Lovejoy)

Cynthia Thompson (2011) Sex, aggression, and affiliation: The social system of white-faced saki monkeys (Pithecia pithecia)(Norconk)

L. Tremaine Gregory (2011) Socioecology of the Guianan bearded saki (Chiropotes sagulatus) (Norconk)

Burt Rosenman (2008) Triangulating the evolution of the vertebral column in the last common ancestor: thoracolumbar transverse process homology in the Hominoidea (Lovejoy)

Kenneth Sayers (2008) Optimal foraging on the roof of the world: diet selection and patch utilization in pale-armed Himalayan langurs (Norconk)

Mary Ann Raghanti (2007) Differences in cortical dopamine, acetylcholine, and serotonin innervation among humans, chimpanzees, and macaques (Sherwood)

Maria A. Serrat (2007) Environmentally-Determined Tissue Temperature Modulates Extremity Growth in Mammals: A Potential Comprehensive Explanation of Allen's Rule (Lovejoy)

Philip L. Reno (2006) Ossification of the mammalian metatarsal: proliferation and differentiation in the presence/absence of a defined growth plate (Lovejoy)