

All of our faculty members have active research programs and are involved in graduate student training. 

Feel free to contact any of our Neuroscience Program faculty listed below by clicking on the link to their email address.

Heather K. Caldwellhcaldwel@kent.edu330-672-3636
Wilson Chungwchung@kent.edu330-672-3641
T. Lee Gilmantgilman@kent.edu330-672-2201
John D. Johnsonjjohns72@kent.edu330-672-3849
Michael Lehmanmlehma18@kent.edu330-672-1855
Eric M. Mintzemintz@kent.edu330-672-3847
Colleen Novakcnovak13@kent.edu330-672-3613
Moses Oyewumimoyewumi@neomed.edu330-325-6669
Richard Pietrpiet@kent.edu330-672-2765