
Flipping Your Classroom

Online Workshop:

Flipping Your Classroom

How do you reach every student, in every class, every day? Create a flipped classroom. This type of classroom inverts traditional teaching methods, delivering instruction online outside of the classroom, and moving homework into the classroom. Students will learn how to create an engaging, interactive environment that is student-centered. Workshop participants will create an instructional video that can be used for flipped learning in their classroom.

Required Textbook: Bergman, J. & Sams, A.  Flip Your Classroom: Revised Edition (July 11, 2023) Reach Every Student in Every Class & Every Day. International Society for Technology in Education. ISBN: 10:1564849864 or 13:978-1564849861

  • 2 undergraduate credit hours: ETEC 40093
  • 2 graduate credit hours: ETEC 50093

Dr. Julee Henry, Instructor, TLC


For specific workshop dates, CRNs, and registration information, visit the main credit workshop page then click on the semester you are looking for.