
Math Intervention for Struggling Learners: What Works and How to Do it

Online Workshop:

Math Intervention for Struggling Learners: What Works and How to Do it

This workshop introduces the knowledge and skills needed to plan, deliver, and evaluate supplemental and intensive math instruction using research-based programs and practices. Participants learn how data-based individualization is used to determine what and how to teach to promote the acquisition and mastery of critical math skills and concepts. Participants learn effective strategies and instructional approaches for improving outcomes for students experiencing persistent difficulties learning math including students with disabilities.

Required Textbook: Stein, M., Kinder, D., Rolf, K., Silvert, J., & Carnine, D.W. (2017). Direct Instruction: Mathematics (5th ed.). Merrill Education/Prentice Hall. ISBN13:978-0134711225

  • 3 undergraduate credit hours: SPED 40093
  • 3 graduate credit hours: SPED 50093

Dr. Andrew Wiley, Associate Professor, LDES


For specific workshop dates, CRNs, and registration information, visit the main credit workshop page then click on the semester you are looking for.