
1.   Definitions:

      a.   Standing Faculty Committees are ongoing and will consist of faculty members only.

      b.   Faculty Ad hoc Committees are time-limited and are appointed by the Faculty Chair or the Chair of a Standing Committee (in consultation with the Chair) and will consist only of faculty members.

      c.   Campus Committees (such as the Safety Committee) may consist of administrators, faculty, and staff who meet on a continuing basis.  Campus committees are appointed and charged by the Campus Dean.

      d.   Task Forces (such as the New Programs Task Force) are time-limited and may include administrators, faculty, and staff.  Task Forces are appointed and charged by the Campus Dean.


2.   Committee Assignments

All Faculty are expected and all FTNTT faculty are invited to contribute to the campus community by serving on committees, including FC standing committees, search committees, and task forces when called upon.  Both the Dean and the Chair of Faculty Council should carefully consider each faculty member’s workload and other committee assignments, including membership on department and University committees, before making assignments.


If a Faculty ad hoc committee convenes for more than two (2) years, Faculty Council may recommend establishing it as a standing faculty committee.  The Tuscarawas Campus recognizes the following standing committees:


* Faculty Affairs

* Student Affairs

* Academic Affairs

* Academic Learning Commons

* Electronic Communications

* Community Engagement


a.   After soliciting individual faculty preferences, the Chair of the Faculty Council shall select the members of each standing committee for a one-year term.

b.   Topics for committee activity may be suggested by any member of the Faculty Council or developed through consultation with the Campus Dean, and may be made to either the chair of the appropriate standing committee or to the Chair of the Faculty Council, who will then assign the activity.

c.   A committee chair shall be selected from within the committee by the Chair of the Faculty Council for a one-year term.  The committee chair is responsible for conducting meetings at least once per semester, at a time convenient for its members, and for reporting committee progress at both the Faculty Chair’s Cabinet and Faculty Council.

d.   Administrators may be invited to attend and/or serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of standing committee meetings.

e.   The proceedings of any committee, as well as any proposed resolutions, should be reported by the chair of that committee to the Faculty Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

  1. Appointment to search committees will be determined by the Campus Dean in consultation with the Faculty Council.
  2. All materials that must be vetted and/or voted on by a standing committee before being presented to Faculty Council must be submitted to the appropriate committee at least three (3) weeks prior to the Faculty Council meeting.


3.   Standing Committees

Standing committee charges are assigned by the Faculty Council Chair in consultation with the Campus Dean.   The Tuscarawas Campus recognizes six standing committees:

 a.   Faculty Affairs

 b.  Student Affairs

 c.   Academic Affairs

 d.   Academic Learning Commons

 e.   Electronic Communications

 f.   Community Engagement


  1. Faculty Ad Hoc Committees
    1. Faculty Professional Improvement Leave (FPIL) Committee:  The FPIL Committee is comprised of all tenured Faculty members of the FC and advises the Campus Dean of FPIL proposals.
    2. Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion (RTP) Committee: The campus Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion Committee consists of all tenured Faculty of the Tuscarawas Campus Faculty Council and all full Professors.  If the TT Faculty Mentor Coordinator is not a member of the FC, then the TT Faculty Mentor Coordinator will be an ex-officio member of the RTP Committee.    
    3. FTNTT Reappointment Committee: The FTNTT Reappointment Committee will be comprised of the RTP Committee and should include two promoted FTNTT faculty.  The promoted FTNTT faculty member elected to Faculty Council will be one of the representatives and a second promoted FTNTT representative will be chosen by FTNTT faculty on an annual basis, with an attempt to rotate among all promoted FTNTT faculty.   Any promoted FTNTT faculty that chooses not to serve in a given year can remove their name from consideration.  If the FTNTT Faculty Mentor Coordinator is not a member of the FC and is not elected to serve on the committee, then the FTNTT Faculty Mentor Coordinator will be an ex-officio member of the FTNTT Reappointment Committee. 
    4. Faculty Professional Development Release Time Committee:  All tenured and tenure-track Faculty who are not applying for workload equivalency will review the proposals.  The FC Chair will chair this committee.  In the event that the Faculty Chair has submitted a proposal, a senior Faculty member shall be chosen by the FC to assume this responsibility.  See Section III.G.4 for more information.
    5. Faculty Excellence Award (Merit) Committee:  The Faculty Excellence Award Committee (FEA) will consist of all tenured and tenure-track faculty who have submitted a dossier for merit.
    6. Morale and Recreation Committee:  The Morale and Recreation Committee is chaired by the Vice-Chair of Faculty Council and comprised of volunteers from the campus community.  The Campus Dean will appoint the members of the committee from the list of volunteers and supplement with additional appointments, if necessary, to ensure appropriate representation.