Faculty Thesis Advisors

Thank you for your willingness to work with our students. As the thesis advisor, you have a responsibility to help students understand what is involved in completing a rigorous independent research or creative project. Let the student know that you take the process very seriously, will be putting in a great deal of effort, and therefore expect a strong commitment of time and effort on the student’s part. Help the student be realistic about the nature of the work.

Meet with the student regularly, at least every two weeks. Never let the student leave your office without setting a specific date for the next meeting and specific tasks to be accomplished by that time. Give the students a large measure of independence and responsibility but, at the same time, be constantly ready to offer suggestions, direction, and answers to questions.

The Honors College is aware of the considerable time, energy, and thought required and we are deeply grateful for your willingness to take on the task of thesis advising in addition to your normal workload.

The following information may be helpful as you plan your work with our thesis student:

  • The thesis earns one letter-grade for the entire project, so students should be given an IP for each semester of thesis work. Once the thesis is completed and defended, the thesis coordinator will contact you regarding grade changes for the previous thesis semesters.
  • The student must submit to the Honors College a progress report, signed by you, at the end fo the first semester of work.
  • The student must defend the completed work before a committee of four faculty members, including you and a faculty member from the Honors College Advisory Committee. You must approve the penultimate draft for distribution to the committee members.
  • If the student’s work is not ready to defend, it is your responsibility to let the student know and to direct the student to contact the thesis coordinator.
  • If you have any questions about standards or procedures, please contact the thesis coordinator. Also, be sure to contact the coordinator or dean if serious problems arise that threaten timely completion of the work.