
Professional Development

University Housing wants to deliver a well-rounded, marketable, and developmental experience for each of our student staff members. In order to facilitate this process, we try to provide additional professional development opportunities for student staff members to experience during their employment within University Housing. The opportunities are designed to allow our student staff to develop further in their student leadership role and for future leadership roles. All professional development opportunities are open to any staff member who is in good standing with the department. 

Each semester the department holds in-service trainings for RAs and Safety staff to continue their development and enhance their skills. The scope and form of in-services can vary from year to year based on the planning of the Student Staff Training Team. RAs may also have the opportunity to attend or present at the NEOHO (Northeast Ohio Housing Officers) RA Conference. 




For concerns or questions regarding UH student staff professional development requests, contact:

Yewande Moore, Assistant Director for Student Engagement and Leadership