University policy regarding copyrights
- Policy statement.
Policy statement. Recognizing the importance of preserving materials documenting the history of the university, the university archives is designated as the official repository for such items. The university archives has two reasons for its existence, one practical and the other historical. The practical reason is that the university archives provides a safe, central repository for records that are no longer of immediate use to the office or organization that created them.
Policy statement. Subject to specific control by the board, the preparation and presentation of requests for appropriations from the state of Ohio, the federal government, and all official dealings on behalf of the university with all federal, state and local government offices, boards and agencies shall be under the direction of the president of the university. All interactions with federal, state and local government offices, boards, or agencies shall be approved by the president, or designee.
Purpose. The use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages, including, but not limited to, beer and wine, on the property of the university must be in accord with state and local laws. Further limitations on the time, place or manner of use, possession, or distribution will be determined by the vice president for student affairs or designee.