Constitution of the Â鶹ÊÓƵ×îÐÂ×îÈ« University, Department of Psychological Sciences, Multicultural and Diversity Committee
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Â鶹ÊÓƵ×îÐÂ×îÈ« University, Department of Psychological Sciences, Multicultural and Diversity Committee. The shortened name shall be the Multicultural Diversity Committee (MDC).
Article II. Mission and Goals
Section I. Mission Statement
The mission of the Â鶹ÊÓƵ×îÐÂ×îÈ« University, Department of Psychological Sciences, Multicultural and Diversity Committee is to make a positive difference in the education of all students within this department through the promotion of an atmosphere of multicultural acceptance, competence, and diversity. This will be accomplished through activities of a scholarly, social and service orientation that will contribute to students’ future success as informed researchers, teachers and practitioners of psychology.
This committee adopts the definition set forth by the Division of People, Culture and Belonging, Â鶹ÊÓƵ×îÐÂ×îÈ« University. Therefore, we define diversity to include important human differences such as gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, economic status, disability, age, religion, and sexual orientation.
Section II. Goals
- Generate activities to promote & maintain diversity in the department
- Develop / maintain a supportive environment that fosters the academic and personal development of a diverse student body
- Through our activities, our hope is to support the department’s efforts to increase the diversity of the graduate students.
- Enhance the psychological training of KSU psychology doctoral students through experiences related to multiculturalism
- Provide a rich interdisciplinary forum for discussion of ideas
- Provide an encouraging environment to discuss issues, knowledge, and ideas relevant to multicultural psychology
- Provide a social outlet for students interested in learning about and experiencing different cultures
- Connect Â鶹ÊÓƵ×îÐÂ×îÈ« University psychology students with a regional and national network of students interested in multicultural issues and supporting a diversified student body
- Form a link to undergraduate students to facilitate their pursuit of graduate study in psychology and to expand the graduate pipeline for multicultural students
- Provide the opportunity to get involved in legislative advocacy
- Provide a vehicle for community outreach and connectedness
Article III. Membership
Section I. Selection Process
Individuals currently serving on this committee have been selected by the Chair and the vice-chair, to hold office for a period of one year (2023-2024). Subsequent officers will be elected during departmental elections during the fall of each academic year.
Following departmental elections for committee officers, other interested graduate students will be able to volunteer to be general body members of the committee. General body members will serve as mentors and be assigned to subcommittees to advance MDC initiatives.
Section II. Election Process
Elections for the positions of Chair shall be held each Spring during a stated or special committee meeting. Current officers shall announce their candidacy for the position. A ballot will be generated, and a private vote will be held where current committee members vote for these positions. Votes shall be tabulated by the faculty adviser.
Elections for all other executive committee officers (see Article IV, Section II) will be held each fall in conjunction with other student departmental elections (e.g., GSS Rep, CTC/ETC Rep). A special election shall be held should any officer position be left vacant before the end of a regular term of office. Officers can be reelected to the same office if they accept a nomination for a second term.
Section III. Resignation of officers
Upon notification of intent of an officer or other official MDC representative to resign, the Chair is to investigate circumstances surrounding the resignation. Any withdrawal from office must be submitted verbally and in writing to the Chair.
Remaining officers will share responsibilities until the position is filled. Elections to fill the vacant position will be held as soon as possible.
Section IV. Remediation Procedures for officers
Grievances against an officer of the committee will be first handled by the Chair. If the grievance is not resolved, a three-way consultation between the Chair, the faculty adviser and officer in question will follow. Grievances against the Chair of the committee will be handled first by the Chair of Legacy/Secretary. If the grievance is not resolved, the ViceChair will engage in a three-way consultation between the Chair of Legacy/Secretary, Chair and the faculty adviser. If the grievance is still not resolved, expulsion procedures will follow.
The Multicultural and Diversity Committee shall expel any officer, by majority vote, for conduct, behavior, or actions that merit expulsion from Â鶹ÊÓƵ×îÐÂ×îÈ« University. In addition, membership on the committee may also be revoked if the officer fails to fulfill their role as a member of the committee. Expelled committee officers shall surrender all benefits and privileges associated with being a committee officer.
Section V. Contesting Expulsion
An officer will be able to contest expulsion from the committee within 15 days following written notification from the Multicultural and Diversity Committee Chair. The officer shall contest the expulsion before the entire Multicultural Diversity Committee, including the faculty advisor. If the expulsion is reversed, the individual will be afforded probationary status for a period of 1 month, at which time they will be reinstated as an officer in good standing. If the expulsion is upheld (by majority vote), the affected officer must relinquish his or her position as officer but may freely participate in all Multicultural and Diversity Committee sponsored functions.
Section VI. Term Limits
Elected officers will hold office for a two-year term following initial election to the Multicultural and Diversity Committee. During the first year, the officer will serve as Vice Chair in their respective office, assisting the Chair with their duties. During the second year, the officer will serve as Chair in their respective office. Officers may announce their candidacy for Chair of the Multicultural and Diversity Committee during their second year in office. Upon completion of the two-year term, officers will relinquish their position as executive officer of the Multicultural and Diversity Committee. Officers may be re-elected into office through nomination and participation in the annual student departmental elections.
Note: In the event that there are vacancies to both positions of Chair and Vice Chair of a particular portfolio, junior officers may continue a third year of service as Chair of their respective office and/or internal movement of officers may be granted subject to discussion and approval by the Faculty Advisor and Chair of the Multicultural and Diversity Committee.
Section VII. Attendance Requirements
Elected officers are required to attend all monthly committee meetings. Further, all elected officers must attend at least two events held by the Multicultural and Diversity Committee per semester. This includes, but is not limited to, events coordinated by the Chair and Vice Chair of Undergraduate Programs and Events, and Chair and Vice Chair of Graduate Programs and Events. If an officer is unable to meet these requirements, they must notify the Chair. Failure to communicate with the Chair and attend all committee meetings and events may lead to expulsion (see Article III, Section IV).
Article IV. Officers
Section I. Requirements
The officers of this organization shall meet the following requirements:
A. Be in good academic standing with the university
B. Attend all official Multicultural and Diversity Committee meetings and, when unable to attend, notify the Chair in advance. Moreover, each officer shall find a replacement, with approval of the Chair, for their duties and responsibilities in case of absence. Inordinate absences will require a review of an officer’s current status.
C. Be an active member of the committee by completing projects related to their elected position
D. Be supportive of the mission and goals of the Multicultural and Diversity Committee
E. Past officers shall remain available for mentorship for several months following their absence (email contact is sufficient)
Section II. Executive Committee and Duties
The Multicultural and Diversity Committee shall consist of seven main officers: The Chair, the Chair of Legacy/Secretary, the Chair of Undergraduate Events and Programs, the Chair of Graduate Events and Programs, the Chair of Finance, the Chair of Resources, and the Past Chair. Vice Chairs will be added as necessary. All officer positions shall be open to all graduate students within the Department of Psychological Sciences. Officers will be elected on an annual basis.
Officers of this organization shall fulfill the following duties respective of their positions:
The Chair
The Chair shall preside over all general and/or special meetings of the committee. The Chair is the official spokesperson for this committee. The Chair shall authorize any expenses made by the committee in consultation with the Chair of Finance/Treasurer. The chair shall work on developing networking opportunities for the committee and its members within national and regional organizations. The Chair shall coordinate the activities of other officers and will make decisions regarding the implementation of committee activities under the advisement of the Vice-Chair and the entire committee. The Chair will also maintain the integrity of this committee by handling grievance procedures involving all committee officers should they become necessary. Furthermore, the Chair may appoint and/or create any needed executive offices and sub-committees not already provided for, with the approval of the majority of the active members present at a stated or special meeting.
The Past Chair (s)
The Past Chair shall assist the current Chair in upholding the mission and integrity of the Multicultural and Diversity Committee. Their primary role will be that of advisor (maintain institutional memory). They will also delegate tasks/direct projects as necessary, at the behest of the current chair. The Past Chair will also have voting privileges afforded to all regular officers. Given the mentorship aspects to this position, it is necessary that the Past Chair be available (in person or virtually) during the year following their service as Chair to offer assistance to the current Chair on an as needed basis.
The Chair of Legacy/Secretary
The Chair of Legacy/Secretary will take minutes of all the meetings and post the minutes on the listserv and website. Coordinate the documentation of all events (events, meetings, etc.) through photographs and written documentation. The Chair of Legacy/Secretary will maintain the listserv and upload photos, minutes, and historical information. They will maintain a quarterly newsletter to be disseminated to the department. Together with other officers they will coordinate association activities and delegate tasks/direct projects to general body members as necessary.
The Chair of Undergraduate Events and Programs
The Chair of Undergraduate Events and Programs will foster the recruitment of diverse individuals into psychology graduate programs, including ethnic minorities and international students. They will coordinate and supervise mentoring of diverse students in psychology, and address the concerns of student members, including concerns with their respective programs and/or this organization. They will be responsible for holding professional development workshops for undergraduate students and together with other officers will coordinate association activities and delegate tasks/direct projects to general body members as necessary.
The Vice-Chair of Undergraduate Events and Programs
The Vice-Chair of Recruitment and Retention shall assist the Chair of Recruitment and Retention in the recruitment of diverse individuals into into psychology graduate programs, including ethnic minorities and international students. In the event that the Chair of Recruitment and Retention is unable to attend committee meetings, the Vice-Chair of Recruitment and Retention will function as the chair in their absence. Their primary role will be to achieve competence in the roles and duties of the Chair of Recruitment and Retention.
The Chair of Graduate Programs and Events
The Chair of Programs and Events will be responsible for planning and coordinating MDC events including, but not limited to, Taste of Diversity, and other ad-hoc events focused on outreach (e.g., workshops, panel discussions etc.). They will coordinate and facilitate MDC events and activities together with other officers (e.g., Public Relations and Social Affairs, Recruitment and Retention), and delegate tasks to general body members as necessary.
The Vice-Chair of Graduate Programs and Events
The Vice-Chair of Programs and Events shall assist the Chair of Programs and Events in planning and coordinating MDC programs and events. In the event that the Chair of Programs and Events is unable to attend committee meetings, the Vice-Chair of Programs and Events will function as the chair in their absence. Their primary role will be to achieve competence in the roles and duties of the Chair of Programs and Events.
The Chair of Finance
The Chair of Finance will maintain accurate and current financial records. They will make all necessary disbursements. They will locate sponsors and will otherwise be involved with the procurement of additional extramural and intramural funding sources, and maintain finance/treasurer aspects of the website. Together with other officers they will coordinate association activities and delegate tasks/direct projects as necessary.
The Vice-Chair of Finance
The Vice-Chair of Finance shall assist the Chair of Finance in maintaining financial records, making necessary disbursements, and locating sponsors. In the event that the Chair of Finance is unable to attend committee meetings, the Vice-Chair of Finance will function as the chair in their absence. Their primary role will be to achieve competence in the roles and duties of the Chair of Finance.
The Chair of Resources
The Chair of Resources will maintain MDC resources including, but not limited to, the department server, the MDC cookbook and undergraduate workbooks. They will add additional diversity related resources to the server as they become available. They will also e-mail the department during the year with information to access resources. They will coordinate with the officers of Undergraduate and Graduate Events and Programs and create flyers for MDC events. They will maintain the committee website and delegate tasks/direct projects to general body members as necessary.
The Vice-Chair of Resources
The Vice-Chair of Resources shall assist the Chair of Resources in maintaining the MDC resources and creating flyers for MDC events. In the event that the Chair of Resources is unable to attend committee meetings, the Vice-Chair of Resources will function as the chair in their absence. Their primary role will be to achieve competence in the roles and duties of the Chair of Resources.
The General Body Members
The General Body Members will serve as mentors and be assigned to subcommittees to advance MDC initiatives. If mentees are available, general body members will agree to mentor 1-2 undergraduate students per academic year. They will attend scheduled meetings of their respective subcommittee to be assigned tasks/projects and provide the Chair of the subcommittee with updates of their mentees.
Article V. Communication
Each month, each officer of the MDC will prepare a brief report (format forthcoming) on their activities during that past month. This report will includeinformation about 1. Continuing and completed projects (e.g., the evaluation data), 2. Future projects, 3. Budgetary concerns, and 4. Suggestions to improve the committee.
The Chair of the committee will use this information to prepare a brief report regarding MDC activities and goals that will be disseminated to the MDC officers, Psychological Sciences Department Faculty, and all graduate students in the department.
In addition to monthly reports, each officer will keep the MDC abreast of their ongoing projects and activities. Typically, this will be accomplished through email communication (i.e., listserv).
Article VI. Program Evaluation
All MDC sponsored programs will be evaluated on an ongoing basis for their effectiveness and appropriateness to the mission of the MDC. An evaluation form will be disseminated before each of the events to be completed by the attendees. These data will be complied by the MDC and used to improve future programs. Demographic data will also be complied to determine if we are reaching our target audiences.
Article VII. Advisor Expectations
Section I. Role of Primary Advisor
The faculty advisor plays an integral role in helping this organization create an environment that is productive, safe, enjoyable, and educational. The faculty advisor shall meet with the executive committee at least once per semester and, where possible, attend regular meetings. Moreover, the faculty advisor will serve as a departmental liaison and assist in the procurement of departmental and extramural funding. Additionally, the faculty advisor shall assist in developing realistic goals for the academic year. The faculty advisor should be aware of the University Student Rules and other institutional guidelines that establish expectations for student behavior and activities.
Section II. Replacement
If for any reason the advisor is no longer willing and/or able to fulfill their responsibilities, they will formally communicate this to the Multicultural and Diversity Committee in writing. The Multicultural and Diversity Committee will then nominate 1 or 2 names (ranked ordered) to the department chair. Based on the committee’s recommendations, the department chair decides who she/he will ask to serve as faculty advisor.
Article VIII. Committees
Sub-committees shall be suggested by the Chair or other Committee Officers serving on the Multicultural and Diversity Committee. A motion to create a sub-committee must include the purpose of the committee, the method for the selection of a chair, the method for the selection of members and the deadline before which the committee will report back to the MDC Chair. The Multicultural and Diversity Committee shall appoint the chair of all sub-committees. The Chair of each standing sub-committee may appoint any undergraduate and graduate student in good standing with the University as a member of his or her sub-committee. Multicultural and Diversity Committee officers may, at their own discretion, serve on a subcommittee.
Article IX. Meetings
Section I. Multicultural and Diversity Committee Meetings
There shall be a general meeting held at least once per month or as often as needed and should be organized by the Chair. General meetings shall be open to the Executive Officers of the Multicultural and Diversity Committee and the Faculty Advisor. Dates for Multicultural and Diversity Committee meetings shall be set by the Committee in accordance with officer schedules. All officers are required to attend all Committee Meetings.
Section II. Meeting Agenda
All members shall email the Secretary with items they would like to put on the agenda. The Secretary will then send the Chair and Vice-Chair a compiled list of these items at least two days before the meeting. The meeting agenda will be set by the Chair.
Article X. Amendments, Additions, and Ratification
Section I. Amendments
Amendments and additions may be made to this Constitution by two-thirds majority vote of the officers in attendance at a general meeting. Proposed amendments and additions must be made available to the Multicultural and Diversity Committee at least two weeks prior to a general meeting. All appropriate revisions shall be incorporated into the body of the Constitution in their appropriate place.
Section II. Revisions
The Constitution must be reviewed by the Multicultural and Diversity Committee every year and re-signed by the officers of this organization.
This Constitution was ratified and adopted by the members of the Â鶹ÊÓƵ×îÐÂ×îÈ« University Department of Psychological Sciences Multicultural and Diversity Committee, May 5, 2022.
Committee Members
Emily Rabinowitz
Karen Wetzel
Chair of Undergraduate Events
Chelsea Monheim
Vice Chair of Undergraduate Events
Sam Cassidy
Chair of Graduate Events and Programs
Alexis McGhee-Dinvaut
Vice Chair of Graduate Events and Programs
Brittany Baugher
Chair of Finance
Emily Gawlik
Vice Chair of Finance
Lyubov Gavrilova
Chair of Legacy
Karigan Capps
Vice Chair of Legacy
Urja Bhatia
Chair of Resources
Hannah Duttweiler
Vice Chair of Resources
Dr. Mary Himmelstein
Faculty Advisor