Current Limited Submission Opportunities
For any of the funding opportunities listed, please submit a by 5:00 pm of the posted ORD deadline to indicate your interest in applying.
Opportunity Title | Agency | ORD | Agency Deadline | Additional Information Requested | Status |
National Endowment for the Arts | 01/10/2025 | 03/24/2025 | Identify artistic discipline, source of 1:1 cost-share and preferred submission cycle | Closed; PI Selected | |
National Endowment for the Arts | 02/21/2025 | 03/24/2025 (Part 1) | (a) Source of 1:1 cost share (b) Arts partner (must be confirmed at time of submission) (c) Research focus area | Closed; PI Selected | |
Breast Cancer Alliance | First Come, First Served | 03/31/2025 | (a) Narrative must describe how research is related to breast cancer and include hypothesis; aims; methods; and potential impact (b) Biosketch must be in current NIH format | Open; 1 slot remaining | |
Breast Cancer Alliance | First Come, First Served | 03/31/2025 | (a) Confirm eligibility requirements (b) Narrative must describe how research is related to breast cancer and include hypothesis; aims; methods; and potential impact (c) Biosketch must be in current NIH format | Open | |
W.M. Keck Foundation | 03/04/2025 | 05/01/2025 | Include one-page project summary and two-page project description as outlined on W.M. Keck Foundation's | Closed; Under Review | |
National Science Foundation | 03/25/2025 | 06/23/2025 | (a) Rationale for establishing the Center and anticipated synergies; (b) Proposed interdisciplinary research groups and focus area(s) of research; (c) Broader impacts of the proposed activities | Open | |
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency | 05/09/2025 | 07/08/2025 (LOI) | Identify source of 10% required match | Open |