Non-Dilutive Financing Using SBIR and STTR Agency Programs
Non-Dilutive Financing Using SBIR and STTR Agency Programs
The Division of Research and Economic Development, formerly the Division of Research and Sponsored Programs, and the Office of Technology Commercialization held this installment of the Inventors' Forum on Thursday, February 24, 2022.
View the transcript for "Non-Dilutive Financing Using SBIR and STTR Agency Programs" (PDF)
View the Slides for this Forum (PDF)
Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) are outstanding mechanisms to fund faculty translational Research and Development. This special Inventors’ Forum will walk you through the details and requirements of each of these vehicles by experts with a track record of advising organizations and faculty on the do’s and don’ts of these funds and how to maximize your ability to be selected for funding!
Hosted by Albert Green, Ph. D., AMG Consulting Group.

Anthony Gillespie, Senior Program Manager at the Ohio Aerospace Institute
Joseph Jankowski, Ph.D., Chief Innovation Officer at Case Western Reserve University