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- Karen Cunningham | kcunning@kent.edu | 330-672-8943
- Speak with an Advisor
Challenges to both peace and the environment are often deeply interrelated, with one impacting the other and feeding back.
For example, where environmental degradation unevenly impacts already-marginalized communities and becomes a source of conflict or when the breakdown of peace due to historical or protracted injustice impacts the environment and our ability to protect it in nonviolent ways.
Globally, justice is a well-recognized pillar of both sustainable development and sustainable peace, emphasizing that these challenges need to be met in integrated ways. Undeniably, our awareness of the natural environment and environmental issues and how they intersect with issues of social justice and conflict is increasing, as is the wider societal need to address issues of the environment, justice, and peace in integrated ways.
This new Minor in Environment, Peace and Justice brings together these important aspirations, meeting students’ interests and the growing need to prepare them with the conceptual, theoretical foundations and applied skills to effectively transform these issues in tandem. The program emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach by drawing on relevant courses offered through different departments to offer a minor that can complement a range of majors.
The Minor in Environment, Peace and Justice, will help you successfully: