Parents of Students Accused


If Your Student is Accused…

If you learn that your student has been accused of sexual misconduct, you may contact the Office of Student Conduct to learn about the student conduct process on campus. The Code of Student Conduct outlines information about behavioral expectations of students and the student conduct process.  The Dean of Students is also available for additional information and consultation.

Student Conduct Support
Name Phone
Office of Student Conduct 330-672-4054
Dean of Students 330-672-8003

You may also find it useful to review the information provided by the Office of Gender Equity & Title IX.  Contact the Title IX Coordinator, at 330-672-7535 for additional information.

Undergraduate Student Government provides to assist your student through the university process and understanding rights, options and possible sanctions.


Additionally, university resources such as Counseling and Psychological Services and the Student Ombuds are available to assist with emotional needs as well as academic concerns during and after the university process. 

Students going through the university process have the following rights

  • Written notice of accusations including the identity of the complainant(s).
  • To be notified of the scheduled hearing in writing at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of the hearing.
  • To have a person or persons of their choice (not to exceed a total of two) accompany them throughout the disciplinary process (individually referred to as a "conduct advisor"). A person serving in an advisory capacity may not participate directly in the hearing or address a hearing officer or panel on behalf of a student or student organization. The university is not responsible for supplying a conduct advisor.
  • To participate in person or, upon request, have a logistical accommodation to participate outside of the hearing room (when necessary and/or requested in advance.)
  • To be given an opportunity to present evidence, including witnesses on the student's behalf.
  • To question the complainant (indirect questioning may be conducted at the discretion of the hearing panel or officer, verbally or in writing, supplying questions to the hearing panel, hearing officer, or student conduct convener) and witnesses.
  • To present or submit an "impact statement" and to suggest an appropriate sanction for consideration by the hearing panel one is found in violation of the code of student conduct.
  • To be informed of the outcome of the hearing in writing.
  • To appeal, as defined in the code of student conduct.